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  1. Alfieri? Aluminium spaceframe? If it's a aluminum spaceframe than IMO Mirafiori is a more desirable space.
  2. OK, you have you opinion and I have mine. But IMO you typed a lot and said almost nothing. Future Alfa E-SUV will take on future BMW X5 or Porsche Cayenne or maybe even RR Sport. These cars are shorter than 4.90 meters. Take in mind that Giorgio is a very space efficient for a RWD platform unlike one which is used for Levante. Even a Giulia is by American standards mid-size car. IMO, they can make a SUV long around 4.90 meters and it can have more spacious interior than any of direct competitors.
  3. Yes and no. Even the wheelbase length is not 100% identical. Stelvio is already on wider version of Giorgio which I believe will be used for E-sedan/Alfetta in the future. Maybe even for E-SUV. So if you are comparing Stelvio to AWD Giulia than Stelvio is 53 mm wider at the front and 45 mm at the back. Stelvio has already track width at the level of new BMW Series 7. Exactly at what I pointed. And now here are official numbers for Stelvio. It's indeed very wide.
  4. Maybe for a Tipo. Why not? But that also is not a performance version. But for 500X anything bellow new 2.0 turbo is not enough.
  5. There are 1.3 and 2.0 engines around the corner. IMO, putting 1.4 or 1.75 inside does not make sense.
  6. On the original plan all Alfa Romeo engines were planned with aluminium engine block. Current 3.0 V6 diesel is with CGI block designed for heavy duty and thus it's a overweight for a Alfa Romeo brand.
  7. What's with 180 HP with Q4? Will it be available and which engine is it? Also isn't a difference between two diesels in intercooler? Air to Air vs Water to Air.
  8. Cherokee KL and K8 3-row for China, Chrysler Pacifica. Unnamed Chrysler 3-row croosover which will in line-up directly replace Dodge Journey. Crossover Pacifica twin. That above are 5 models which will be available in late 2018 or early 2019. So CUSW has future.
  9. But those conditions are not proscribed by EPA test. So for example in test max speed is for example 120 km/h, temperature levels are between 0-30 °C. It's very difficult to assume that someone will completely comply outside of those regulations. You are implying that FCA could not regularly pass the test. That's simple not truth. But on this forum I got the impression that Japanese car drivers are living in the parallel universe. Why?
  10. That's all argue now between FCA and EPA. FCA is saying that they are protecting the engine. And anybody who had a diesel knows it's the true. And it seems that this engine does not pass "test" outside proscribed parameters by the EPA. FCA even offered new software for that engine. Why EPA did not approve it? IMO, EPA is informally against diesel for passenger cars. Ram 1500 is a passenger car for Americans. Keep in mind that 3.0 diesel has all necessary hardware to pass emissions test. But with Euro 6C norm in Europe we will have an identical shit with AECD.
  11. And apparently you got it all wrong...
  12. Tell me what's the point of comparison between automatic Mercedes and Giulia with manual transmission? Oh, I see. The jerks on germancarforums and similar will jerk off on this "victory".
  14. In the same video, I think it's somewhere in the first 10 minutes of it.
  15. Hyundai-Kia could buy a transmission from Aisin but usually they have their own transmissions. For me this is a very attractive 5 door car against Škoda Superb, new Opel Insignia or even a future VW Arteon. RWD is a unique selling point but they'll need 2.2 200 HP diesel.
  16. That's what he said with start of US Stelvio sales in early summer. We saw with Giulia how long it takes from start of production for US to start of US sales. Giulia and Stelvio were mentioned near the end of this video:
  17. We are "smarter" after today's words from Sergio. He said that next Grand Cherokee is likely moving to Giorgio. He will know it in 60 days. That also means that next Dodge Durango is very likely going to Giorgio. Maybe launch of Alfa E-SUV next year is connected to that or they are connected to Alfa.
  18. I just watched whole videos from today. Sergio said that Stelvio production for US will start in 2nd half of March. Interesting that next Grand Cherokee is also very likely going to Giorgio.
  19. Normal segment D even if this is a RWD. RWD makes unique selling point of this car in a non-premium part of D-segment.
  20. Ah, it's only slightly better than Giulia 2.0 280 HP. Is Kia/Hyundai still overrating power figures?
  21. Dimensions? And no diesel? Are hey want to sell zero cars in Europe?
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