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  1. Hmh. Once upon a time VM Motori was owned by Detroit Diesel. And Detroit Diesel is owned by Daimler. So it's very likely that VM did some work on 2.1 liter I4 and 3.0 liter V6 for Mercedes. Of-course that FPT engines are very different than Mercedes ones. For Alfa 2.1 liter it's perfectly clear that it is a descendant of Family B. And IMO it's not a 2.2 liter because they could not get 83.8 mm bore with 90 mm cylinder spacing as on cast iron block version.
  3. I yet again take a look at Giulia US specs and it seems they are rather shy with power ratings. They now altered it to 280 HP (it would be marked as 280 BHP in UK) and 306 lb ft of torque. For EU specs it translates to around ~285 HP and 415 Nm of torque. MONSTROUS!
  4. For me EuroNCAP test is not valid. If they want credibility back than they need to separate passive from active safety. Also they need to re-test EVERY car EVERY year. Most cars with 5* from year or two would not get it today.
  5. Actually the result is not bad. With some electronic gadgets added on it would have 5 stars. This just shows how pathetic EuroNCAP test have become. The best example is 500X with 4 stars on EuroNCAP while on more severe IIHS test it got the beast possible rating.
  6. Unfortunately that does not change the fact that German media usually tends not to measure some technical categories such as category and they just type their subjective opinion. AFAIK in 4R Giulia was even more comfortable than F30 with adaptive suspension and all was measured.
  7. Brazilian press release says McPherson in the rear for Compass. IMO, with bi-link it would have bigger boot space than 410 liters.
  8. Interesting but for some markets in technical data for 180 HP ATX it says 7.1 s fro 0-100km/h.
  9. Same platform but not identical... But for me it's interesting due to possible Chrysler compact model from Toluca based on Tipo. Maybe something with interior similar to this Compass and independent rear suspension as on Compass. Compass has McPherson IRS same as Renegade/500X.
  10. Interesting. Identical wheelbase as Fiat Tipo. Both are at 2636 mm.
  11. For 60-100 km/h Uno 1.3 is faster than Up! 1.0 TSI:
  12. H1 2016: US + EU ~ 92k
  13. For EU Compass will come from Mexico. It means no import tax. For example for Cherokee there is a 10% import tax because it's a from USA.
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