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  2. FIM-CISL mentioned both Maserati and Alfa Romeo supersports in their press release. And I believe that they do know something which we do not.
  3. Most likely Alfa but that's post 2021 investment. Interesting part is mention of a supersport Alfa for Modena which will most likely follow Alfieri.
  4. FCA, Bentivogli: bene conferma piano, senza automotive innovativo PIL in retromarcia
  5. Fca Pomigliano: Alfa Romeo Tonale importante per completare rilancio di Pomigliano
  6. @VuOtto I was thinking about competitors engine list which starts with a 2.0 turbo. And all have classic AWD because it's a must in the larger part of US due to weather and Americans are in love with all season tires.
  7. Just think about US market. And yes, I believe that this model will be offered in US against the likes of E-Pace, X1, Q3...
  8. OK, double standards. I understood you very well.
  9. FCA said that they will make Euro 6D diesel engines. AFAIK dates for Euro 6D are 1/2020 and 1/2021.
  10. Yes. PHEV weighs to much. But you can't fed P4 electric motor with a MHEV. I thought about classic AWD with a prop shaft. Engine at the front and a P2 mild hybrid with electric supercharger.
  11. No. For Small Wide arhitecture and any subsequent evolution drive shaft tunnel is also used for batteries. So any eAWD model could allow be equipped with a classic AWD system. You said that Tonale is pushed back or cancelled. But maybe you can't remember posts you made on another forum. And you are the one who said that there will only AWD versions.
  12. You really think so? LOL They've decided it some 2 years ago. Quadrifoglio with a PHEV does not make sense. But on the other hand MHEV with P2 electric motor and eBooster...
  13. @AlexMi Quando la vedremo nelle concessionarie? Stiamo lavorando per la commercializzazione a fine 2020. La Tonale sarà solo 4x4? Stiamo lavorando, parlando di plug-in, a una “E-AWD” (ovvero a trazione integrale); per i motori tradizionali invece, si parla di due ruote motrici.
  14. Jeep to build Renegade, Compass plug-in hybrids in Italy
  15. Compass is a proper C segment car while both 500X and T-ROC are B+ or C- segment cars. Choose whatever you like. Audi Q2 is in the same class. Q2 and T-ROC are the twins.
  17. Same class as Fiat 500x. No doubt about it.
  18. English doesn't have a strict rules on how to pronounce words.
  20. Yes, but twenty less is 449 and not 445. It seems that journalist had skipped his math class. And even in Quattroruote video they said that length is around 450 cm.
  21. I would say 4.50 meters in length and around 1.60 meters in height which is slightly less than Compass. Lets not forget that Stelvio has 4.69 meters in length and up to 1.68 meters in height.
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