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  1. They earn a lot in North America and they are investing it there. If you haven't seen even Latin America almost caught Europe in terms of profit. Not to mention that Europe is by far the most complicated market with impeding regulation nightmares.
  2. At least it's clear what is specialty for FCA. An unique model. In case of Maserati it would be an Alfieri or something similar. Currently it's a GT/GC duo. But that's because of their cautious approach where they spend only on products with safe ROI.
  3. That's business as usual. Just imagine if a tell that Audi lost their aluminium spaceframe knowledge because the Head of A2 project left shortly afterwards. BTW he actually left Audi and his name is a Harald Wester. ?
  4. There is no Alfa-Maserati R&D center in Modena? Actually that was a skunkworks location and AFAIK it's still there.
  5. Maserati's problem arose in China and US. In markets where sales is shared with Alfa Romeo.
  6. It should have an identical wheelbase as Scala?
  7. At Giulietta's line? It doesn't make any sense.
  8. I hope that it's a X1 and Q3 competitor. If it's a similar in form to a GLA and X2 than it could be in for a slaughter. In my opinion that would be mistake. For many private customers C segment SUV is a replacement for a D segment wagon
  9. Pairing Alfa and Maserati in sales chain was wrong. Nothing about R&D here.
  10. 10h45-11h00 5213 FCA 11h00-11h15 5213 Alfa Romeo 11h15-11h30 5213 Fiat 11h30-11h45 5213 Jeep
  12. But what is Mercedes in F1. British engineering, Ilmor and Brawn mix.
  13. But also RWD compact model is not desirable, both for most of customers and for a car maker due to cost structure. So it a lose-lose situation. Or?
  14. It depends on a question. Investors must ask them and they must be very precise in their questions.
  15. Actually from all of crazy ideas that one does make a sense. Make it with a hatchback and in that case it could be good product for both EU and US. Giulietta Mk IV.
  16. So a rumor about C segment Dacia Sander is very likely true. The one which will be direct competitor to a Škoda Scala.
  17. So this are also engines for a new Clio. Interesting that base 1.0 does not have a GDI. LPG? ?
  18. Comments under the article are horrendous. As always they are strongly as FCA. But not knowing the difference between CVT and EVT. What a morons. @4200blu Interesting conclusion. This looks like a P2 mild hybrid: Of-course CO2 reduction under WLTP should be slightly lesser.
  19. This is a technology demonstrator. Production version will be different, some different solutions but along these lines.
  21. Lets not forget which FCA factories can accommodate more than a one body shop. Basically all of Italian factories can. That leaves a possibility of more than one platform.
  22. Who will make new A segment cars? Nobody except Koreans. ?
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