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  1. And they are still on schedule. But maybe the German way is the only way. LOL
  2. If they will keep same wheelbase as for Compass mules of a compact Alfa SUV could be hidden in plain sight. Actually transmission choice worries me the most. Is a dual dry clutch suitable for a premium product? Is a 948TE sporty enough for Alfa?
  3. Line in Cassino? This is the first word of it. Strange that it comes through Germany. ? Now in more serious tone. Lets say that Italian dealerships will have an open door day in December of 2020 or January 2021. How much in advance they will send first mules and how much in advance will they send cars with a final bodywork to a test? I will say May 2019 in the first case and around late 2019 or early 2020 in the second.
  4. In my opinion Alfa compact SUV will likely draw potential Jeep Cherokee customers and not those who are seeking for Jeep Compass. But... Is it a Alfa Compass or something else? I don't believe that it's just a rebadged Compass. After all a lot of years has passed since the start of Jeep Compass project to a start of Alfa Romeo compact SUV project. At least new materials are available. For example 3rd generation advanced steel and so on. Not to mention plastic metal replacement and so on. In any case it's good to look competition motorization in US. Both Audi Q3 and BMW X1 are offering 2.0 turbo as a base engine. So I'm expecting something similar from Alfa. Of course I think that all of us are expecting 2.0 with at least 350 HP for Quadrifoglio version.
  5. DEARBORN, Mich. (AP) — Ford Motor Co., which has struggled overseas and saw U.S. sales fall last year, reported its first quarterly net loss in two years Wednesday. The Dearborn, Michigan, company said it lost $116 million, or 3 cents a share, in the fourth quarter, compared with a $2.52 billion profit a year earlier. It last posted a quarterly loss in the fourth quarter of 2016. The loss included an $877 million one-time charge to revalue global pension assets due to a late-year market slide. Ford made $3.68 billion for the full year, but that was only about half of what its net profit was in 2017. North America was its only profitable region.
  6. I think that I understood it very well. One part is related to volume and margin. Certainly with a FWD based platform it's easier to attain high margin or if you want higher profit. Currently for a BMW in Europe X1 is a money maker. I think that it's obvious why. Back in the days of a RWD based X1 that was not the case. Second part was related to the order of presentation of each model. You think that compact SUV should come out before Giulia and Stelvio. Right? I do not agree with that observation. Giulia is an image maker and thus it was necessary to launch it first. Stelvio was just a logical continuation. What I can admit it that launch of compact SUV is late. One or two years late. Giulietta's platform? I think it's shelved for good. Or you want to see this: ? IMO it's to bih and way to heavy for a compact model. I'm just referring to an official new car registration data for 2017. Lombardia was the worst region for FCA in terms of market share. So this is not my opinion.
  7. Every car nowadays maker heavily leans on suppliers. In case of FCA it was Magneti Marelli. BSG system for Ram 1500 and Jeep Wrangler is developed by Magneti Marelli as is inverter for Pacifica PHEV. What's can't skipped is development time, testing time. They must put a lot of miles on road. And of course engine development is still very long. At least 5 years from a clean sheet design. BS
  8. With RWD/Giorgio based compact SUV they wouldn't make profit and volume. But in a case of evolved Small Wide/FWD based compact SUV they can make numbers and they can make profit. But it's not a model suitable as a first in Alfa Romeo revival. Giorgio based Giulia as a first was necessary because it's an image maker. Europe as the only market? In that case they would never relaunch Alfa. Italians, especially those living in north which have money, are not patriotic oriented car buyers so plan would already broke in Italy. Don't forget that Lombardia is traditionally the worst region in Italy for FCA based on market share. Not to mention how a Protestant Europe despise anything from the south. So Sweden, UK, Germany... are big no.
  9. Speaking about these two. FCA will not have engine technology suitable for them before 2021. P2 MHEV and P2P4 PHEV. And neither will debut on Alfa Romeo.
  10. We are still a long way go to a next generation Cherokee. They may change the platform choice. In any case I don't see use of CUSW as a viable choice. I see 2 different platforms as a better choices than CUSW. But I may be wrong.
  11. 300 is dead... Who knows. Maybe a crossover will replace it. Grand Cherokee and a 3 row unibody Jeep should be first North American models on Giorgio. Also they should debut all new GME T6 engine. I'm not sure about PHEV but according to plans there two models are the only planned with a HEV powertrain. But in terms of architecture it's very similar to upcoming PHEV for RWD based models. BEV models? For BEV models it's always better to have a specific platform.
  12. It fits in a story of a PHEV models from Cassino in late 2020. So I believe in it.
  13. IMO. Not a good article. Actually a lot of wrong assumptions. First of all. Nothing about TT V6. And once when GME T6 hits the market it may have E.Booster and in that case it's like that we are talking about P2 48V MHEV. In that case it will not have a BSG/e.torque. Also we could see a GME N6 with capacity higher than 3 liters. They may be right for a base engine. FCA is working on a 7 liter HEMI with at least 520 ponies.
  14. Is it "ripresa" in Italian. For example, a 60-120 km/h times. On VAG cars with Euro 6d TEMP engines they are much worse in comparison to Euro 6b engines. They made it to keep CO2 at acceptable level. In my opinion that's not good.
  15. Look at Ram 1500... For MHEV in Europe it seems that FCA will put a lot of faith into P2 MHEV. I don't know for any production P2 MHEV except Mercedes 3 liter Inline 6. But at the end official CO2 is all that matters. And I'm sure that some car makers will try to cheat the system or they will kill engine performance like VAG. VAG with Euro 6d TEMP engines has an awful recovery times.
  16. PHEV should be Renegade and Compass together with all 3 Alfa Romeo models. BEV is of-course Fiat 500. Question is number of sales. 5, 10 or 20% of a total line-up. FCA believes that at the end of 2022 they will have 20% PHEV+BEV in a total sales. P1P4 PHEV system for FWD based cars is ready. It's now into industrialisation phase. They done tests in last couple of years. We are speaking about similar system as on BMW 225xe but this system in addition to a P4 electric motor has a BSG system as on mild hybrids. For P1P2 PHEV responsible is North American R&D center so I don't know much about it except that it will debut on Wrangler in early 2020. It should be developed with ZF but it will also offer a 4WD/AWD. MHEV can help a lot. It can help especially when old engine is a 1.2 FIRE. I think that a GSE N3 with a 12 V BSG mild hybrid system will help a lot with a CO2 reduction. It will bring FCA few steps closer to reach an average CO2 fleet emissions. And this project is well underway. Basically this hit industrialisation phase. I don't know much about future P2 48V MHEV. It's still a long way from a production phase. But in any case FCA has a calculation that at the end of 2022 40% of its fleet will be a MHEV. That's a bold statement and certainly necessary to reach CO2 target. Actually I don't know any European manufacturer except BMW which doesn't put a faith int MHEV. Strange... Speaking about FCA's expertise for hybrids. It's not worse than BMW's. Actually it's the opposite. I call it a double standards. Nothing strange for this forum. #german_supremacy PHEV is not a cheap technology. Car makers must tempt people to buy it at a higher price. They are doing it with a higher performance. IMO it's a good policy. Customers are usually willing to pay more for a higher performance.
  17. @Beckervdo Ford has their own 8 speed auto. I think that actually there are 3 different Ford 8 speed automatics. Strange thing is that they had abandoned plans to share a 9 speed with GM.
  18. You can disagree but I'm expecting that at the end of 2020 Alfa+Fiat+Jeep will offer at least 5 PHEV Made in Italy plus 1 BEV. Maybe I'm way to optimistic. I'm not counting Maserati because it's counted separetely. Very soon FCA will replace old 1.2 8v FIRE with a 1.0 N3 GSE with 12V BSG mild hybrid system. Most likely it will help a lot with fleet CO2. It will be offered in both 500 and Panda. Market launch of this engine will be in early 2020. In 2021 FCA will offer P2 48V MHEV. I konw that you are not a fan of mild hybrids but this solution will offer a substantial CO2 reduction in comparison with a turbocharged engines without that system. I presume that this engines will come with e-turbo and in that case if they are aimed at CO2 reduction they will have high compression ratio, higher than current GSE turbo. In this equation IMO the biggest question is how will customers welcome this new technologies and who will opt to purchase a car with it. How to persuade customer to buy a PHEV or MHEV car. In case of MHEV I expect that some cars will some engines will come exclusively with such an option.
  19. Ecotassa, «favorite solo automobili straniere». Penalizzati 14 modelli Fca L’allarme della Fim Cisl: il provvedimento del governo rischia di distruggere l’industria italiana dell’auto e migliaia di posti di lavoro. Favorite 28 vetture estere, penalizzati 14 modelli di Fca tra cui la 500X e la Renegade 2000 diesel. Eccoli tutti
  20. Is it a Alfa Compass os something more evolved? Nothing special about Subaru except boxer engine. It's overweight. They are also using a lot of different AWD system with some of them which are not particularly good. If I'm not mistaken current Subaru line-up has up to 5 different AWD systems.
  21. Last year Swedes hyve bought more than 13.000 XC60s. Just for comparison it's equivalent would be 70.000 Stelvios in Italy. Nuff said.
  22. Fiat Chrysler looking at options to plug hole in its truck lineup: CEO
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