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Risposte pubblicato da Bare

  1. More powerful versions of GME are planned as classic Dual-VVT maybe with dual valve lift mode. Take into account that this is a first time where we see combination of MultiAir with direct injection and that MultiAir system is probably somewhat different that the current one.


    37 minutes ago, RiRino said:

    Ma non dovrebbe avere il blocco motore appartenete alla famiglia GME e quindi condiviso con tanti altri modelli?


    A meno che su questa versione da 280cv e su quella ancora più spinta non abbiano fatto una versione specifica, closed-deck magari visto che la potenza specifica inizia ad essere importante, non sarebbe neanche una cosa tanto campata per aria alla fine, Mercedes con la A AMG ad es. lo fà.

    Good question. I believe their intention was to have a 100% Italian product for Alfa Romeo. It's much easier to say that Alfa Romeo has parts from USA and with that harm its image. On the other hand with Maserati it's not so much issue their devoted US followers or nobs which still don't believe that Maserati V6 block comes from USA. But as you see with interior is different.

    And have can you justify production of engine blocks in Italy? With that number it would be a financial suicide to opt for die cast. Sand cast it the most logical solution and Italians, especially Ferrari, have much experience and knowledge with it.



    About closed deck block. This 2.0 for Alfa Romeo has around 140 HP/l which is the same as for newest Maserati V6. So this is a doable with open deck especially if you consider that I4 has less loses than V6 and that in many ways this engine is more modern than the one in Maserati.
    But I believe there is more than one reason why we have not seen 300+ HP 2.0 I4 engine for new Giulia. I believe that one is 48V electrical installation. 

    • Mi Piace 2
  2. This is mine understanding of sand cast vs die cast. It's not about power level like open vs closed deck but it's about price of production.


    For smaller series you opt for sand cast aluminium block like this one. It's less money spending in the beginning. In that way it's a obvious choice for small series like For Ferrari or racing. Even for 2.0 TBi MA for Alfa Romeo we are talking about relatively small series.

    On the contrary with die cast you spend a lot with investments. Than first series of blocks have many problems with leakage. After some time you got perhaps even less leakage than with sand cast block. And obviously with time and many produced blocks you save a money compared to sand cast method. Off-course that it's a logical choice for Tigershark or Pentastar when for some years we are talking about millions of blocks per year.

    • Mi Piace 2
  3. 22 minutes ago, RiRino said:

    Le indiscrezioni che arrivano dal Sudamerica dicono che debutterà nel 2017, su Mobi inizialmente monteranno il Fire perché il Gse non è ancora pronto.

    Da noi il Gme debutterà con Giulia, sul Gse non ho notizie, la sensazione è che bisogna aspettare ancora un po' ma posso sbagliarmi.


    From January 27th:

    On page 15 it says:

    New Global small and medium engine architectures (2016)

    Don't forget that it was less than 2 months ago.;)

  4. 11 hours ago, RiRino said:

    In Sudamerica su Mobi,Uno,ecc..i GSE debutteranno nel 2017, imho prima del 2018 qui non si vedranno.


    Not before 2017? :eek: AFAIK official presentation from beginning of this year stated that two new engine families will debut THIS YEAR. I assume that those two engine families are GME and GSE.

  5. To much weight difference between diesel with automatic and manual. First one is Super+Sport which does not include seat heating or AFS. The later is Super+Lusso and in that way just 12 kg more than gasoline.

    • Mi Piace 3
  6. That 2.0 Giulia on Auto Show has Super + Lusso Pack. AFAIK in Switzerland you must provide weight and fuel consumption for the exact version of the car. In that sense 1705 kg is not so much.

    • Mi Piace 6
  7. 9 hours ago, mikisnow said:

    Mi sa che sulle versioni "normali" chi lo vuole dovrà acquistarsi un Quaife per esempio. Spero che sia come qualcuno ha scritto, Q2 meccanico almeno come optional. Farebbe comodo.

    From Wester's presentation from Geneva all Giulias will have at least mechanical Torsen Q2 rear differential. QV is different with addition of torque vectoring in which they described as electro-mechanical  rear differential.


    9 hours ago, T a u r u s said:


    Per precisare Bigland aveva dichiarato che la Giulia 280cv fa il 0-60mph(0-97km/h) sotto 5,5" 

     No! He said less than 5.5 seconds. ;)

  8. 59 minutes ago, RVC said:

    Mercedes lo fa senza problemi. Comunque si, è possibile. 

    Hmh. AMG engines, both 2.0 I4 and 4.0 V8, are closed deck blocks and later is similar to Ferrari's fashion sand cast. 

    "AMG" 3.0 V6 engine with 450 designation is at 367 HP and it's a open deck similar as Maserati's V6.


    41 minutes ago, RiRino said:

    Bho, rimango un pò dubbioso, più di 170cv/l per un open deck non dico che sia impossibile ma cominciano ad essere tantini, tutt' al più se hai un motore diverso che li regge meglio.


    Poi se il v6 60° regge tranquillamente quelle potenze mi chiedo il motivo di fare un motore completamente diverso per la Giulia Q ed altri pochi modelli allestendo una linea ex-novo a Termoli.:pen:


    Usually I have a good memory. What I remember from original story about Alfa Romeo V6 engine is that Maserati Levante is last Maserati without Italian V6 or if you like it better solely American V6. 

    • Mi Piace 1
  9. I don't know if someone posted it already but I got some info about 500L restyling.


    There is not so much changes on the outside. Slightly different front and back lights to be more in line with 500X and some other minor details.


    Exterior is almost completely different, much closer to 500X. New instruments panel, central part for multimedia is much nicer and some talk about bigger screen as an option. The space between driver and co-driver is completely different. Seats are improved.

    • Mi Piace 6
  10. Batteries for next Town&Country?

    Batterie per la prossima Town & Country?


    FEV development competence consists of batteries, controls, as well as complete drive systems

    FEV has demonstrated competence in the development of alternative drive concepts for almost twenty years. Most recently, yet another plug-in hybrid vehicle has gone into series production with technology provided by the Aachen-based developer. In addition to using an innovative transmission concept which is based on a FEV patent, FEV also developed the battery technology of the plug-in hybrid vehicle to series production readiness. This cost-effective and reliable battery pack offers a capacity of 10 kWh and yields a pure- electric range of about 50 kilometres (30 miles). FEV was responsible as a turn-key partner for the development of the battery hardware and software, throughout the development of the overall concept, as well as for testing and validation. "We intentionally combined FEV's own developments with existing technologies of renowned tier 1 suppliers," explains Professor Stefan Pischinger, President and CEO of the FEV Group. "Thanks to decades of experience and a comprehensive benchmark database we were able to develop a needs-based technology pack with excellent series production readiness."

    Experienced development partner

    FEV has been operating its own electric vehicle fleet since 2010. The experience with this fleet and the comprehensive vehicle and battery measurement data which is continuously sent to an FEV server via mobile communication still represent key elements that are used in today’s development of alternative drives. In addition to about 65 electrified powertrain development projects, FEV has successfully completed about 20 battery projects over the past few years. In these projects, batteries were developed for nearly any kind of drive: whether it be water-cooled high performance plug-in hybrid battery or passively cooled pack for pure electric vehicles. "Our spectrum of competence consists of every phase of development, from the concept work and development of modules and battery packs to the manufacturing and testing of the battery and, eventually, the integration and certification for series production," says Dr. Michael Stapelbroek, Department Manager Hybrid and E-Mobility at FEV.

    Mature battery management system

    The quality of battery management system algorithms has as much influence on performance as the selection of suitable battery cells and an optimized layout of the overall battery. "The core system for the battery development is our own mature battery management system (BMS), now in its third generation, that together with optimized algorithms allows a very reliable and stable control of the battery," explains Dr. Stapelbroek. Thanks to its use in a variety of projects, the system is highly mature and very flexible with the capability to accommodate any battery concept. The BMS consists of a central control system, a master circuit board, and one decentralized measurement unit for each battery module, the slave circuit board. Furthermore, the BMS itself can comply with the safety standard ASIL-D as specified in ISO26262. The BMS was developed according to all of the current and common automotive standards (e.g., AUTOSAR and CMMI), and is well cost-optimized, particularly with regard to future series production applications.

    Test facilities for batteries and complete drives

    FEV has several cell and battery test benches worldwide for the testing and validation of developed battery packs as well as experience with series production testing for several well-known manufacturers, allowing FEV to be recognized as an internationally-operating engineering company that can guarantee a high degree of quality and series production readiness in its engineering developments. "Our additional test benches for hybrid powertrains are important tools for not only powertrain development, but also for the evaluation of battery performance in the overall drive system," explains Stapelbroek.

    About FEV

    The FEV Group with headquarters in Aachen, Germany, is an internationally recognized development services provider for drive and vehicle technologies. The company offers its global transport industry customers a complete range of engineering services, providing support in the design, analysis and prototyping for powertrain and transmission development, as well as vehicle integration, calibration and homologation for advanced internal combustion gasoline-, diesel-, and alternative-fuelled powertrains. FEV's competencies also include design, development and prototyping of innovative vehicle concepts, powertrain electronic control systems and hybrid-electric engine concepts that address future emission and fuel economy standards. The Test Systems division is a global supplier of advanced test cell, instrumentation and test equipment. The FEV Group employs a staff of over 4,000 highly skilled specialists at advanced technical centres on three continents.

  11. Tipo 1.3 Mjt 95cv - 1205kg + 75 kg conducente

    Tipo 1.6 Mjt 120cv - 1270 kg a vuoto, 1345 kg in ordine di marcia (fonte scheda tecnica FIAT italia, appunto 75 kg di scarto)

    Octavia 1.6 TDI 110cv Ambition: 1305 kg (meno della Golf? E vabbè...)

    Octavia + 75 kg conducente = 1380 kg ;)

  12. Does anybody know dimensions of front overhang for Fiat Tipo? Vehicles based on FGA Small Platform has front overhang less than 88 cm long. Front overhang on Fiat Bravo is 97 cm long. I believe that Tipo Hatch will be around 4.25 m long.

    Google translate:

    Qualcuno sa dimensioni di sbalzo anteriore per Fiat Tipo? Veicoli basati su Pianale FGA Small ha sbalzo anteriore lungo meno di 88 centimetri. Sbalzo anteriore su Fiat Bravo è lunga 97 cm. Credo che Tipo 2v sarà di circa 4,25 m di lunghezza.

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