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Risposte pubblicato da Bare

  1. Attenzione che il motore Tigershark ha lo scarico posteriore, mentre questo GME ha lo scarico frontale (facendo riferimento alla disposizione trasversale)
    No,anche il Tigershark/GEMA/WGE ha lo scarico anteriore

    I thought that they changed postion of intake and exhaust when they updated GEMA to Tigershark?

    Il motore GEMA è una buona base ma sicuramente non sportivo.

    Maybe it's a good block but it's huge with 96 mm bore spacing. If I'm correct Pratola has 90 mm bore spacing while FIRE is extremelly compact with 77 mm.

    I'm also not sold on idea for big 2.4 I4. I would much rather see 2.5 I5.

  2. Intendo questa, apparsa sul numero di Giugno di Quattroruote.

    Non sanno cosa sia (a me sembra tanto un Photoshop sinceramente), in compenso mi fa strano la posizione delle pinze dei freni dei sul lato anteriore...

    NB (appena avremo capito di cosa si tratta cancellerò la foto, così non avremo problemi col copyright)

    Did they said that Maserati Alfieri is dead?

  3. I think they did a remarkable job with this engine regarding fuel consumption in such a big and heavy vehicle. Fuel consumption is on par with renewed VW Tiguan with 184 HP 2.0 TDI and 7 speed DSG and that VW is weighing about 300 kg less.

    I expect that 2.0 Multijet will be updated to 2000 bar CR system and be bored out to 93.8 mm.

  4. I think this will be almost impossible....:) perhaps we will see the ZF, but paired with 1.6/2,0 JTD engines ( 120/140 HP ) .

    It's not impossible. It's a matter of will from FIAT's side.

    Maybe I wasn't clear. I want see this car with 2.2 JTD under Abarth badge to take on Škoda Octavia diesel vRS.

  5. Regarding new engine. Didn't someone told it's (Pratola) unsuitable for longitudinal application? If it is than they can make 1.6 and 2.0 JTD for longitudinal application.

    Anche questo è vero,però bho,i piezo mi pare arrivino a pressioni anche più alte(anche se 2000bar non sono pochi,i solenoide del 2.0 mi pare arrivavano a 1600) e giustamente sono un pò più silenziosi,mi pare che tutte le premium concorrenti usano i piezo.

    Didn't BMW with B47 switched to solenoid injectors for all single turbo versions?

  6. I expect aluminium for Giulia at least for doors, fronte and back of the car. That will significantly reduce weight of the vehicle while retaining of good NVH properties thanks to steel body. Full Aluminium body like in new Jaguar is mostly nthing more than a good marketing because you loose weight gains with more usage of isolation if you want to achieve good NVH.

    CFRP roof will be just icing on the cake for new Giulia and will be excellent fit in goal to have more centered and more down mass distribution.

  7. This new 4cl engine will be 2 liter and is member of new MGE (Medium Gasoline Engine) family which will share combustion chamber design. I'm wondering if we are going to see more than one engine block designs for that family. Even GM these days or their 2.0 ECOTEC Turbo use different blocks, some are lost foam casting and some sand casting and maybe some even a high pressure die cast. So it will not be a weird if FCA choose different blocks for same engine family.

    FIRE will be substituted very soon.



  8. I think it's safe to assume that the sedan has been primarily developed for Turkey, to replace the linea that is the market leader over there.

    My reference to the Jetta was intended as an aesthetic "benchmark" more than anything ;)

    I know it's for Turkey but I can't get it why 5th door for sedan look alike can be a drawback. But it's sure that classic sedan is almost non wanted in EU28 and it would be nice if they can offer FIAT 'Octavia'.

  9. Bah, non gliene farei una colpa. Deve essere utilitaria, non una vettura premium. Per me che si concentrino nel farla spaziosa dentro, con una seduta umana (bassa non sul cadreghino come la 500), ben piantata, con motori e trasmissioni buoni, buon comfort e tenuta... Ma poi bella il giusto fuori, non di piu'.

    Deve fare concorrenza alla Jetta et similia, mica alla Jaguar. Speriamo che dal punto di vista dello stile sia almeno all'altezza delle VW.

    Comunque il dettaglio che si intravede dei gruppi ottici posteriori mi fa ben sperare.

    Yes, this car has to be spacious inside with huuuge luggage compartment. But you omitted something. In terms of sales Jetta was a failure in the last decade. Segment(C-segment with 'tail') leader is Škoda with Octavia and guess what, it has 5th door.

  10. sul benza stesso discorso: 300 cv dal 2.0 tb potrebbero anche sembrare tanti, ma in fondo il 1750 arriva senza problemi a 241 cv ed è stato detto da più parti che avrebbero potuto "spingerlo" ancora più in là. certo è ipotizzabile anche una versione più umana, con una cavalleria più gestibile

    It's always the same story.

    It's not question how much they can pump from 2.0 liter gasoline engine. Question is how low can they push maximum torque figure. Can it be for example 400 Nm at just 1400 rpm or even lower?

    esattamente. aggiungo che non capisco chi si "lamenta" o comunque si sorprende di certi step di potenza, siamo stati anni e anni a dire che FPT non aveva uno straccio di propulsore decente sopra il 150 cv (dopo la fine del Busso, e considerando che il 2.4 m-jet pur essendo un motore molto solido complessivamente non è che abbia mai brillato più di tanto per le prestazioni, perlomeno rispetto alla migliore concorrenza) e ora che ci sarebbe solo da farsi venire l'acquolina in bocca ci lamentiamo?

    2.4 at least it its last iteration with 210 ponies was very potent and durable. It was an excelent engine paired with overweight car (159) and paired with lacking M40/F40 transmission which limited torque to just 320 Nm in 1st and 2nd gear.

  11. io mi auguro ci sia qualche robotizzato/TCT in gamma...

    se dovessi mantenere ll'alto kmetraggio per venire lavoro, una hatch 1.3 85CV DualLogic, cruise e clima auto non mi dispiacerebbe affatto. :pen:

    I'm hopping they will finally offer C725 in Europe with 1.3 JTD and 1.4 Multiair.

  12. e visto che la nuova evoluzione della piattaforma small arriva ai circa 1,80m,larghezza compatibile con la larghezza di seg.C come Golf,308,ecc..,è verosimile che abbia circa quella misura.

    IMO, vehicle width is not so important because it can be easily altered, for me track width is what matters. So I looked at track width dimensions for some FCA vehicles.

    track width front/rear

    Bravo - 1539 mm

    Linea - 1473/1466 mm (same for Grande Punto although it has shorter wheelbase)

    Viaggio - 1572/1570 mm

    500L - 1521/1519 mm (500X has wider track width, somewhere around 1540 mm if I'm correct)

    Giulietta - 1554 mm

    And now for some competitors:

    Golf 7 - 1549/1519 mm (same for Škoda Octavia although it has longer wheelbase and has wider exterior)

    Megane - 1547 mm

    Focus - 1544/1560 mm

    Based on this numbers I think we can say that FCA's SUSW platform is suitable for C-segment car.

  13. No, I don't have any prejudice neither on Fiat (I use to drive one) or VW, but if I am right small and compact are two different platforms and not a modular one ;)

    I never said contrary but both are modular. Small platform or it's SUSW derivation is perfectly suitable for C-Segment car.

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