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  • Marca e Modello Auto
    2012 Alfa Romeo Giulietta
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Reputazione Forum

  1. Exactly like that! If Ferrari wants to achieve the racecar feeling for the road, the F250 must have the engine has a stress member!
  2. Since it uses lots of technology from F1 and the 499P, do you think the engine will be a stress member?
  3. Any clue about the weight? With 3 electric motors (and respective batteries) I believe it will be as heavy as an AMG One...
  4. Do you believe we will see any test mules on the road before the launch? Since it will be a partnership between AR and Zagato, they should test it before to get a better setup of the driving dynamics (ESP, ABS, etc.) to put up a fight agains the M4 CSL.
  5. Where are you finding these teasers? I've searched AR and Zagato IG accounts and haven't found them
  6. Where are the spy-shots?...
  7. Who loves to design fake exhausts in the Stellantis Group?
  8. No cuts in the bumpers, so it will have fake exhausts. The Peugeot Tonale is about to be revealed...
  9. Thankfully it is going to be Giorgio based, so no murder another 8C. Is this a Zagato project alone, or a collaboration with Alfa Romeo?
  • Crea Nuovo...


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