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  1. ciao Ale! arrivato anch'io su questo forum :) buone news, speriamo facciano abbastanza funding da poter riprendere il progetto 960 (vs sf90 stradale)
  2. qui una interessante analisi a riguardo
  3. come valutate lo schema tecnico dell'ultima bmw serie 3?
  4. Nei mesi successivi al lancio, verranno introdotte molte altre versioni: 1.0 TSI Evo 90 CV, 1.0 eTSI Evo 110 CV mild hybrid 48V Dsg, 1.5 TSI Evo Act 150 CV, 1.5 eTSI Evo 130 CV mild hybrid 48V Dsg, 2.0 TDI 115 CV Dsg, 2.0 TDI 150 CV con cambio manuale, 1.4 TSI plug-in hybrid 204 CV Dsg, GTE plug-in hybrid 1.4 TSI 245 CV Dsg e le varianti a metano 1.5 TGI 130 CV con cambio manuale o Dsg. quanto sconto su A? E' solo sulla più venduta 180d (che ha il motore vecchio renault e viene sostituito da 2.0 depotenziato portato al debutto sulla GLB) o tutte? grazie
  5. solo per portare alcuni dati e relative riflessioni anche rispetto alle critiche rivolte a Giulia (berlina non si vende / suv perché station wagon non si vendono) Avversaria Serie 3 vendite di ogni generazione Vendite % per variante carrozzeria La Touring non è la più scelta a livello globale, in Italia però ha il 75%, Germania 66% e UK 25% Qui numero vendite touring per generazione serie 3
  6. da un forum bmw, lode alla Giulia my2020 Can the Facelifted Alfa Romeo Giulia finally take down the 3 Series? Awhile back, we did a comparison test between the BMW 3 Series and the Alfa Romeo Giulia. More specifically, the BMW 330i xDrive and the Giulia Q4 2.0T. Both cars were almost identically equipped. So neither car had any equipment or trim level advantages. In that test, the 3er won because of the fact that it never really had any glaring issue. Sure, the Giulia was a touch more fun to drive but its horrid infotainment system, interior quality issues and lack of comfort made the 3 Series a better car. To be honest, that wasn’t a great surprise. Those same issues have plagued the Alfa Romeo Giulia since its debut. Which has always been a shame, considering that Alfa’s sedan is probably the best in the segment to actually drive. Now, though, it seems as if Alfa Romeo is ready to rectify some of those mistakes with the new facelifted, mid-cycle update of its beautiful sedan. On the outside, not much has changed, if anything at all. That’s not a bad thing, though. Even the pre-facelift Alfa Romeo Giulia is a gorgeous car and one that looks far more exotic than its price tag would suggest. Driving dynamics and performance are also pretty much unchanged but, again, that’s not a bad thing. The current Giulia is superb to drive and the high-water mark for the segment. What has changed is the interior and the few details that are changed, while quite subtle, combine to make a big difference. For starters, and most importantly, the infotainment system is all new. The current Giulia’s infotainment system was, to put it frankly, awful. The screen is dim, low-resolution and filled with confusing sub-menus and tedious controls. Now, it features an 8.8-inch touchscreen that still retains the old swivel wheel controller, which is similar to BMW’s new setup. That swivel wheel has also been updated and looks as if it no longer feels like it’s been made for a child’s toy. Obviously, we can’t comment and the quality of the new infotainment system, but it looks much better already. Hopefully it’s as slick and easy to use as some of the better Uconnect systems found in other modern FIAT/Chrysler vehicles. Another big change is the shift lever. While it doesn’t look much different, it seems a bit bigger and chunkier. Hopefully that translates to a more solid feeling item, as the current car’s shift lever feels like it’s going to fall off in your hand each and every time you use it. It also gets a subtly revised steering wheel, which is even better looking than the already fantastic one in the current car. All of these changes might seem small but they all seem to rectify the most common issues found in the Alfa Romeo Giulia. Personally, this is very exciting. I still love driving the Giulia, I just don’t always love spending time in it while it’s not moving. These new updates could send it over the top and make the Alfa Romeo Giulia the complete driver’s car that we’ve always wanted it to be.
  7. sì scusa ho aggiornato il mio post sulla Super "nuovi sedili in tessuto nero" su Sprint ci sono techno-leather/tessuto sì, bi-xenon 35w con AFS
  8. Allestimento "Stelvio" di serie sedili tessuto nero volante in pelle multifunzione quadro strumenti TFT colori 7" cerchi in lega 17" doppio terminale cromato lavafari fari posteriori led fari anteriori alogeni alfa connect 8" (radio,mp3,aux-in,bt) senza NAVI sensori park posteriori hdc sensore pioggia clima auto bizona lane departure warning forward collission warning integrated brake system Allestimento SUPER (+€3.000 da Stelvio) Oltre ai contenuti di Stelvio nuovi sedili in tessuto nero cerchi da 18" Lusso fari anteriori bi-xenon specchietti esterni ripiegabili elettr. integrazione apple car play - android auto Allestimento Business (+€1.000) Oltre ai contenuti di Super cerchi da 17" navigatore adaptive cruise control keyless entry presa 12v bagagliaio Allestimento Sprint (+€3.000) Oltre ai contenuti di Super sedili techno-leather/tessutto pedaliera sportiva alluminio nuovo volante sportivo in pelle inserti in alluminio cerchi da 19" Sport finitura esterna dark miron su calandra,skidplate,terminali di scarico, logo Stelvio pinze frene nere by Stelvio sensori di park anteriori telecamera posteriore con griglie dinamiche adaptive cruise control presa 12 bagagliaio Allestimento Executive (+€ 3.000) oltre ai Contenuti di Business sedili techno-leather/tessuto nuovo volante sportivo in pelle cerchi da 19" Lusso active blind spot driver attention assist traffic sign recnognition lane keep assist sensori park ant telecamera post accensione automatica abbaglianti specchi retrovisori elettrici fotocromatici Allestimento Ti (+ € 4.500) Oltre ai contenuti di Executive sedili in pelle pieno fiore plancia e pannelli porte rivestiti in pelle sedili ant. regl elettr. a 8 vie riscaldati inserti in vero legno quercia o noce su plancia e tunnel nuovo colante in pelle Lusso riscaldato pedaliera in alluminio cerchi da 19" Design cornice cristalli esterna cromata nuovo paraurti e passaruota dark miron traffic jam assist highway assist system intelligent speed control wireless charger hand's free tailgate Allestimento Veloce (+€ 4.500) Oltre ai contenuti di Sprint sedili sportivi in pelle sedile guidatore con reg. elettr. a 6 vie e memoria sedile passeggero con regl.elettr. a 6 vie sedili anteriori con fianchetti regolabli sedili anteriori riscaldati nuovo volante in pelle sportivo riscaldato palette cambio in alluminio cerchi da 20" bruniti nuovo paraurti e passaruota in tinta vettura Navi 8,8" keyless entry accensione automatica abbaglianti specchi retrovisori esterni elettrocromici active bling spot driver attention assist traffic sign recnognition lane keep assist ho inserito le specifiche per i confronti ?
  9. Stelvio 2.0 200cv at8 q4 Business 55.500/sprint 57.500/executive 58.500 2.0 280cv q4 Veloce 65.200/Ti 66.200 2.2 160cv diesel At8 RWD Stelvio 47.500/super 50.500/business 51.500 2.2 190cv diesel q4 Business 56.700/sprint 58.700/Ti 64.200 Allestimenti disponibili a seconda motorizzazioni Allestimento "Stelvio" è quello base d'attacco
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