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maha è il vincitore del giorno 10 Ottobre 2021

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Reputazione Forum

  1. square like daytona sp3? no soft...round lines....?
  2. so there will be the f250- heir of laferrari, which is definitely coming and besides this the 499p-stradale will also be made? some say road version of the 499p may not happen because it's optional now making a homologated road version of lmh. but again why ferrari would lose an opportunity to make some money or the money come from 499-stradale project would fund the lmh racing project.
  3. previously you said next hypercar code name is f242. was it a mistake then?
  4. when will the next hypercar come? we haven't seen any sign of f255/f250 prototypes yet. the laferrari test mule was first spotted about one year before the unveiling. if the next hypercar unveils in next year, isn't it time for start testing? or they've already started working on it?
  5. some say f250 is the code name for next hypercar. if f255 is the next hypercar, so what is f250 then: another ev?
  6. in the past some spotters said that, this is the mule for net gen v12 engine. actually which is correct- new v12 mule or sp3 engine test mule...
  7. Ferrari ha depositato i disegni della parte telaistica della loro prima sportcar EV, che dovrebbe sostituire la SF90 a fine carriera. via The Drive
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