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  1. the renders are probably by this guy (Salvatore Lepore), has his hallmark rough and messy style and using other's peoples renders and sticking new fronts on them.
  2. Just some experimenting with ideas. More renders on my blog. If you want to see all my Alfa Romeo renders, use this link.
  3. apologies if this was mentioned but I noticed this photo (left) on the product site, and comparing it to to the leak (right) The angle has changed, but the idea I think is the same.
  4. one could be full ev, while the other a hybrid like its siblings.
  5. Will take some time getting used to the design, but I am pleased my render was very close to the final look. Seems like this version is the ev version since the grill is covered?
  6. I posted it here on february 28th.
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