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  1. apologies if this was mentioned but I noticed this photo (left) on the product site, and comparing it to to the leak (right) The angle has changed, but the idea I think is the same.
  2. one could be full ev, while the other a hybrid like its siblings.
  3. Will take some time getting used to the design, but I am pleased my render was very close to the final look. Seems like this version is the ev version since the grill is covered?
  4. do you mean 1 or 2? If you are talking about #1, then that is just camo. The light graphics could change between the leak and release. This is what happened with the Tonale.
  5. yes sorry, I meant mhev like fiat 600 hybrid uses. I have no idea if a mhev is being made, I just assumed alfa would offer one like the fiat. we only have the infotainment/entertainment leaks for the Milano. When alfa reveals the Milano, or it leaks, we can compare and see what has changed.
  6. Apologies for using English, not many English sites cover and discuss Italian cars like autopareri. Regarding the leak being fake or differences in design, here are my 2 cents. Recall when we had the gray Tonale leak from the design clinic and from what I remember, it was also said that the design would change from what we saw to the production car. There were some changes yes, but overall same car. I am sure the differences were discussed here, but a quick refresh. The front has some small changes, like the bottom of the bumper, the hood edge. There is also no rear door handle on the leak. I suspect it was in the rear side window. The side window trim is also silver, which I don’t think is an option on the current car. At least I don’t recall seeing any photos with silver trim (please correct me if I am a wrong). Also the vent near the grill, the bodywork goes up higher on the final car. The mirrors are also different, the gray car uses a design like giulia/stelvio. The headlight graphics are different yes, but I believe these are the low end version lights, I am sure I saw them on the configurator in Europe. Turning to the front view, the differences are also clear. The intakes beside the grill have a different mesh, and the radar in the bumper is a different shape. The bumper lower side vents are also a bit different in design. Finally the mesh in the grill and bumper has larger holes than in the production mode. Looking at the rear, some small changes, the trunk lip/end is longer on the gray car. The rear bumper reflector has changed position as well. The area where the license plate meets bumper, also different. The area under logo is also different and I suspect the light graphics are a different design, they look thicker on the gray car. Finally the rear wiper is different in design. See photos below. Getting back to the Milano, I think we will see similar small changes/differences from the leaked photos. As with most car design and development, the interior and exterior teams work side by side, but sometimes when the interior team wishes to show something to the board, they use what they have, so perhaps a quick 3d design of the car, close but not final. Same for exterior team, sometimes the interior is not final, so they have a mockup of some interior or no interior at all. But this is usually earlier in the design process and we had the leak from September, so pretty much at the end of the design process. Question is, will we see a different bumper design for the EV versus hybrid version? This is the first alfa model with an EV version and PHEV, so alfa could make different bumper designs to make the 2 models more unique. But then the Fiat 600e and hybrid versions look the same, so perhaps this will not be the case for the Milano either. There is one another thought, catching leaks. While I am sure Alfa has a team for designing the media system, perhaps parts of the design or programming are outsourced to a supplier and this is where the leak came from. Sometimes companies throw in different things to catch the leaks, so for example, this design of the Milano in this leak was provided to company A, but company B got a different design. Leak occurs with company A photo, so they will know who leaked it. I am looking forwards to seeing the design, but it won't be sold where I live, so when I visit family in Europe, perhaps I will get to see it there. btw, if anyone has any friends/family or is themselves located in Poland, near Tychy, I am sure there are prototypes around the city, or even near Katowice. A fully undisguised fiat 600e was caught in town not that far from the factory. Perhaps any testing right now is at night, but the closer we get to reveal, the more likely they will be testing near the factory and during the day.
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