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  1. che aborto gente
  2. AlfaMontecarlo

    Momenti nella storia.. (video)

    Ragazzi vi regalo questo video spettacolare.
  3. si la 147 3p !!
  4. Quel signore con la camicia bianca è lo stesso della foto degli interni della 8C se guardate bene la fisionomia è identica, taglio di capelli, basette, orecchie, mani, peluria sulle mani... sono gli stessi mmmmm Chi è ?
  5. Fotina della s2000 Interessante direi il motore per ora è quello della 156 da gara del WTCC
  6. mamma mia che auto brutta!
  7. Maaaa scusa caro, quale v6 suonerebbe come dici tu?? Quale v6 recente ed sopratutto euro 4 ?? Sentiamo sentiamo sono curioso .
  8. ma la metteranno in vendita? Oggi ne ho vista 1 bianca col tutto il tetto in vetro e i 17" molto molto bella bianca
  9. Nella seconda foto sembra una volvo 850 Sw T5 ... no??
  10. ahhh infatti mi sembrava un po strano si vede che le stanno uppando sul sito in questo momento ... mah sti americani.. Bella di bestia messa giu cosi !
  11. Ehm grazie grazie modestamente!!! ok ok stop agli applausi .. Grazie ancora!.. ehehee Alfa c'è Alfa c'è Alfa c'èèè!!
  12. The Croma 8V prototype was developed by Giorgetto and Fabrizio Giugiaro to honor Giovanni Agnelli, who was an enthusiast of the 1985 Croma model. The Chroma 8V is spacious and innovative and of stunningly high quality. The exterior design heralds the elegance of this high-performance car. The executive interior cradles passengers in an atmosphere of richness and refinement. The low-slung second row seating makes access easier for passengers, who do not have to climb up or down but can slide comfortably into their seats. This solution stems in part from experience gained in designing the Maserati Buran concept car, a compact, luxury saloon created in 2000.
  13. Interessante questo concept ! Lo avevate gia visto ?
  14. Porca Pupazza!! ma questa l'avete vista?? Derived from the Alfa Romeo 8C Competizione, the 8C Spider is purely and essentially a thoroughbred sports car in the traditional Alfa Romeo spirit; it offers sophisticated engineering, a sporty yet elegant shape, and strictly two-seat accommodation. Created at the Centro Stile Alfa Romeo, the 8C Spider expresses all that is most precious in the company’s heritage. The low and aggressive front or the face of the car is characterised by the classical Alfa Romeo triptych—the central triangular “scudetto” flanked by horizontal “moustaches.” The lateral view of the car underscores its compactness and its classical mechanical layout, with longitudinally, front-mounted engine and rear-wheel-drive. The car is sure-footed on its prominent wheels, placed in the four corners. The “coda tronca” short tail with generous round taillights, typical for an Italian sports car, adds to the purposeful, dynamic image of the 8C Spider. The interior design reflects the same philosophy; the cockpit’s non-compromised ergonomics, style, and choice of materials concentrate on one goal only: the ultimate driving pleasur Sbav Sbav
  15. si sembrano dei 16" comunque io sto aspettando le foto un pò piu umane della spider perchè quasi sicuramente acquisterò quella al posto della mia Jta..
  16. bella sta lavatrice
  17. Questo è quello che dicono su Italiaspeed. Fiat's potent new rally weapon - the stunning Super 2000 Punto - has finally broken cover, caught in the flesh testing at the Balocco proving ground. Photos presented by Italian specialist magazine SAM (SportAutoMoto) Rally this week, reveal an aggressive all wheel drive rally car, clearly demonstrating the lines of the new Punto, with all the trappings of a front-line rally car: bulging wheel arches, scooped air intakes, a roof spoiler and air vent, and chunky cut-out bumpers. The brand new rally car, based on the all-new, Giugiaro-styled Fiat Punto - which will make its world debut at the Frankfurt IAA next month - is designed to conform to the FIA's proposed new 'Super 2000' regulations. Built by N.Technology - Fiat Auto's competition's department - the on-track test and development programme is now being carried out by factory rally driver Paolo Andreucci, who is the reigning CSAI Italian Rally Championship Super 1600 title holder. The 'Super 2000' regulations are now being drawn up with the aim of reducing the World Rally Championship's ever escalating costs, pushed up in part by a recent increase in the number of qualifying events. The idea is to create an affordable rally car, with all the main costs tightly controlled. These will include a restriction on electronic aids, and an engine rev limit set at 8,300rpm. Up to eight manufacturer's have expressed an interest, including Renault - who are believed to be close to testing a prototype - and Japanese giant, Toyota. The proposed new Super 2000 category will draw on the highly successful Super 1600 class, with the important incorporation four wheel drive traction, something that has been lacking in the smaller category. Along with weight limit of 1,100kg, and an engine capacity that is raised by 400cc, the Super 2000 cars are expected to be fast, very exciting to watch, and a real alternative to the current crop of 'WRC' machines from the likes of Peugeot, Citroen, Subaru and Mitsubishi. The Super 2000 Fiat Punto rally car now being developed by N.Technology will eventually pump out over 280bhp (although the prototype - currently using a 2.0-litre engine drawn from the Alfa Romeo 156 racers running in the FIA World Touring Car Championship to 'Super 2000' regulations - is only running with around 250bhp at present). Once development of the project has progressed a bit further down the line Fiat hope to persuade MotoGP ace rider Valentino Rossi to test the car. Fiat competition's boss Matilde Tomagnini has made no secret of the fact that she wants him to drive for the team when a full rally programme is given the green light.
  18. he Super 2000 Fiat Punto rally car now being developed by N.Technology will eventually pump out over 280bhp (although the prototype - currently using a 2.0-litre engine drawn from the Alfa Romeo 156 racers running in the FIA World Touring Car Championship to 'Super 2000' regulations - is only running with around 250bhp at present)
  19. AHAHAHAH Si è un Jtd messo giu come la GTA.. Auto nera, gira dalle parti di Como provincia ... Kattivello! Se vuoi parlargli è registrato sul mio Club. cmq nel video dopo i sorpassi è a 2 gambe. uhuhuhu
  20. hihihi il guido della situazione!
  21. eheheh ok scusami tanto! non credevo si fosse cosi tanto sparpagliato sul web colui che guida è un mio amico !
  22. Ciao ragazzi spero sia di vostro gradimento.....
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