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Tutti i contenuti di STEVEC

  1. The Miami GP is scheduled for May 3-5, 2024. We could also have a preview in late April like with the 812 Competizione (the official unveiling happened in early May, but the photos were already officially uploaded in late April) PS Changed my previous post. The F250 could be revealed in late June
  2. Personal guess: the first mule is for the 296 Challenge Stradale (non-hybrid, with huge wing) that was finally axed. The photo is quite old btw So the 812 replacement and the Supercar will be revealed in 2024. End of story (that I started 😅). And these will be the only launches for 2024. Reading on FChat that the F167 will be revealed on April/May
  3. The FIAT F2X will also be based on the Smart platform
  4. L'argus reported back in July that, according to what JPI told them, the New Giulietta/Alfetta will be launched in 2028. It will be a fastback, sth like the 2 Gran Coupe, so that it's easier to sell it in the US
  5. The New Giulia will have 5 doors. So, a fastback or a shooting brake
  6. Btw the info is from L'Argus, which is generally quite reliable
  7. No, the new C3 will be a mix between a hatch and a UV. But there's gonna be a large size difference between the 2 models, so there's no overlap. The C3 will be slightly shorter than 4m, the C3 Aircross will be slightly longer than 4.3m
  8. According to the good ol' FChat, the 499P Stradale has been axed. The SF90 M though will be marketed as 499 GTB/GTS/Speciale Plus, the 499XX will be marketed as 499 Modificata
  9. If it wants to be a serious competitor for the next-gen 718, A110 and Elise, it has to be based on a bespoke platform, just like those models. A possibility that I think would be real, if Alfa Romeo achieves the estimated financial targets for the next few years, given that we're talking about a car to be released in approximately 6 years
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