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  1. If this is true, it's horrible. JPI had said he won't build an ipad with wheels
  2. So, according to Gabetz this is the first mule of a 296 GT3 Stradale. It should be the non-hybrid V6 we've been discussing for a while, the 4th model that Ferrari will launch this year (autumn) It could be kind of an answer to the Huracan STO. Keep in mind that Ferrari was testing the Huracan STO a few months ago in Fiorano...
  3. Given the info that some people have provided here, we can say that this is wrong
  4. The Kid's market launch has been rescheduled for June 2024 (it was March). So, I expect an unveil in Dec/Jan. New Stelvio market launch scheduled for H1 2025, New Giulia market launch for H2 2026
  5. Following an interview with JPI, Autocar says that the car will be unveiled at Le Mans Classic (June 29th)
  6. The car will be available in September, so the reveal must happen much earlier than July. Probably next month
  7. If the F167 is to be revealed in 2024, then what will be the 4th new model for 2023? The 499P Stradale perhaps?
  8. Abarth 500 has already been presented, they would've called it by its name. It is 99% certain that they're the 600 and the Topolino
  9. JPI has said that Alfa Romeo will make 2 announcements this yearregarding its future in motorsport: the first one at the Le Mans Classic, and then another one at the British GP. So, seems like Alfa Romeo will stay in F1, and will also enter the WEC
  10. And there is also a Panamera EV coming, in 2025/6. And I highly doubt that the current Panamera, Cayenne and Macan models will continue being available beyond 2026. Before you judge Maserati/Alfa/whatever-brand about their future plans, have a look at the plans that their opponents have announced
  11. I LOVE IT, it looks so much better with the wing (secondo me) btw someone had said in FerrariChat, a long time ago though, that the wing will be optional
  12. Thank God (EDIT): So, the unveiling in 2024 is scheduled for February or June?
  13. PLEASE tell me that this is not the final design! This is so gross
  14. Whatever 😂 Not the first bet I'm losing, after betting for CL to win the 2022 title 😓 EDIT: Is it normal to give 2 different numbers for 2 versions of the same model? I don't think Ferrari has ever done it before...
  15. The cars to be produced in Melfi are: - DS 8 (SOP: late 2024) - Opel Manta (SOP: early 2025) - Jeep Compass (SOP: mid 2025) - DS 7 (SOP: late 2025) - Lancia Aurelia (SOP: early 2026, someone said March)
  16. The 245 is gonna be the SF90 successor, right? PS I double the bet for the 246 being the Roma successor... 😜
  17. None of those brands are Ferrari competitors. Rimac makes electric hypercars, Porsche sells 300,000 cars/year, and Koenigsegg sells a few tens. And the reason why Maserati is in front of Ferrari when it comes to EVs is that Maserati is logically more open to EVs: it is a luxury brand, not a sports brand. The only sportscar brand that might be in front of Ferrari when it comes to EVs is Aston Martin, thanks to the Merc synergies
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