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  1. Honestly, it could be that 😂 The Nuova 500 has already been presented in USA, at the CES
  2. The rear wing will be optional, but perhaps only for the coupe. Presentation in February, both coupe and spider
  3. Do you know, at least approximately, when could the F255 Stradale come? Message to Ferrari: Still can't get the point of making both a "Le Mans inspired" Supercar AND a LMH Stradale
  4. It is quite clear for me that the F250 will have a V8. My bet is that it will have the 296 GTB's V6 (F1-tech, 221cv/l) but with 2 more cylinders. 884 cv from a 4.0 V8, add a little electric power to that, and the 1,100cv are easily reached or even surpassed. But let's see, we are less than 18 months away from the reveal. According to Varryx, testing began just a few days ago, so the first photo is a matter of time
  5. 154cv according to PAI, and 0-100kph in 7s
  6. So, the targeted production number for the F167 is 5000 units (in 4 years, 2024-2027, I guess). 2000 of them will be GTS (RHT = Retractable Hard Top). F167 to be revealed in Fall 2023, and the GTS in Spring 2024
  7. I'm gonna do the difference and say that I like it Btw secondo me PAI is quite reliable. Yes, they said some unreliable info about the Tipo mca, but everyone makes mistakes. Most of times, what he says is true
  8. November 24 is the date according to PAI
  9. 82cv engine with 40kWh battery 109cv engine with 50kWh battery These will be the 2 available versions according to L'Argus
  10. The Jeep Avenger Puretech costs 26.9k€ in the First Edition, the base price will be much lower. Stop spreading wrong news
  11. It will definitely be cheaper than the 500. Smaller battery, less power, not so premium interior
  13. New Panda will be only-BEV. So it will definitely have a visible price difference compared to the current one. We should see it before the end of 2023 (Tavares talked about 2 B-seg models), sales in ~ Q2 2024
  14. Coming in 2024, according to L'Argus
  15. And to end any doubt, the Avenger 4xe is BEV: Concludendo la presentazione, Meunier ha dichiarato: “Qui a Parigi abbiamo mostrato un portfolio completo di nuovi, performanti modelli Jeep full-electric a trazione integrale, con un chiaro obiettivo per Jeep: procedere nel percorso che ci condurrà alla “Zero Emission Freedom” e a diventare il marchio di SUV elettrificati numero uno al mondo”.
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