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  1. A Settembre Jeep 4xe Day PS To be more specific, the Dodge event is scheduled for August 16 & 17 PS2 For those saying that Stellantis puts France first: just have a look at the first 3 brands of the group that are getting their own electrification event
  2. Found this photo on FerrariChat. The guy that posted it says that Purosangue will have suicide doors with B-Pillar (like RR) and that the "tiny" rear door handle is visible in this photo. After looking at it for a solid 5 min time, I think it's the thing in the circle, but have your say as well, if you want
  3. To my opinion, PSA is the best group in the world when it comes to aesthetic differentiation between models that share the same platform. Have a look at let's say (RANDOM example) VAG...
  4. I genuinely believe it's not far-fetched for Alfa to exceed the 400,000 units / year by 2028
  5. But the STLA Medium won't be a "nativa EV" platform. Its debut model will be the Peugeot 3008 III which won't be only-BEV
  6. The reveal is scheduled for Feb 2023. The SOP is scheduled for Q3 2023, at earliest. The 2 models will be produced simultaneously for a few months, but the order book for the Portofino M is already closed (I don't remember when it closed, but a few months have passed for sure)
  7. 296 GTB has a V6 and it's DEFINITELY a pure Ferrari. Check this video, it's from a very good driver for various Greek magazines (it's got english subs). He's a die-hard petrolhead, but 296 changed his mind...
  8. February, from what I read Especially if it is the first soft-top spider Ferrari since a few decades ago...
  9. There won't be a C Hatchback I highly doubt that they will use a new powertrain for 33 cars. I bet that the only difference with MC20 will be the design and some minor mechanical changes (in suspensions etc)
  10. All Mercedes-Benz launches will be only-BEV from 2025, the exact same schedule as Alfa's one. All Audi launches will be only-BEV from 2026. Sorry for destroying your tale, but still, Alfa's schedule seems spot-on
  12. Mate. Mercedes-Benz has announced that it will sell only BEVs from 2030 in Europe/USA/China. Audi, from 2033. BMW will probably follow suit. THESE are your rivals. The only difference is that Alfa Romeo will do the switch just a couple of years earlier, in 2028. And because of this, you deem Alfa's strategy nonsense. OK PS Tesla was just an example, don't overfocus on that. Nevertheless, Tesla is a mass brand, while Alfa Romeo (wants to be) a European premium brand
  13. First, calm down. I wasn't referring only to you, but almost to the 90% of Alfisti. Second, in 2025 the already huge demand for premium electric cars (just check the Model 3 figures) will be even bigger. So, the next-gen of Stelvio/GTV will be in the right place, at the right time. As you said yourself, the opinion that "an entire new generation of Giulia and Stelvio only bev is as useful to most Alfisti as a quadricycle with wooden wheels" is NOT the opinion of the general public, but the opinion of a handful of die-hard Alfisti fans. Guess which group is the one that Alfa should satisfy in order to make profit. Electrification has almost already become mainstream, and Alfa Romeo MUST board this train. If not, then in like 10 years it will either be dead or a niche brand with less than 20,000 cars sold per year. I mean, even Lotus, the niche brand of the niche brands, decided to go electric. Who else must announce its shift to electrification so that your little handful understands that that's the way forward? The Morgan 3-Wheelers? Third, thanks to Imparato, Tonale got a more advanced PHEV version. If not for him, it would have had the exact same powertrain with the Jeep Compass
  14. Average Alfisti If Tavares had revealed a Peugeot 2008 with Alfa Romeo badges in late 2022: "Gosh, what a f*ckin sacrilege" Now that Tavares has decided to postpone the project by a year, so that it won't be a Peugeot with Alfa badge: "WHY YOU LATE?!?!?!" And they also think it's horrible that he decided to cancel the PHEV versions for 2 models that are almost already dead and spend that money in order to bring forward the launch of the all-new generation of those 2 dying models. Keep going, you're glorious
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