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  1. Next month, as far as I know. Also in April, they will launch the X5 MCA and the all-new 7
  2. According to it, Granturismo Folgore will have more than 1200 hp, hit 0-100 in 2s, and have a top speed of over 300kph
  3. official Maserati document
  4. What I undestand from the photos: Giulia+Stelvio on the upper floor are the 2022 Estrema edition (to be launched by next month). If you look carefully, the Stelvio on top has the old (not Q) rear headlights Giulia+Stelvio on the lower floor are the (nothing to do with Estrema) 2023 MCA (to be launched later this year)
  5. So, according to Maserati's page on Insta, it will be revealed at 2 o'clock on noon (Italian time)
  6. Seems like I'm the only one who REALLY likes it 😂😂 Thankfully, I am able to buy it ... in size 1/18...
  7. Also, the leaked photo confirms sth that Varryx has said a long time ago: the front hood opens in reverse
  8. I reached out to Derek in order to ask him what are these sketches and he answered: " I have pictures of the real camouflaged testcar (but without the black camouflage jacket), but I decided to make drawings of that car instead of the real car, so Ferrari can't force me to delete them "
  9. I found those sketches on Insta from a guy named ''. Seems like it is the same sketch that Varryx posted on his Patreon page some days ago, but Varryx's one is somehow painted. I dont know how they found them or what are they. All I know is that both Varryx and Derek are very credible
  10. So the plan must be 2023: Roma M + Spider F167 F173VS 2024: F250 Am I getting it right? Also, will there be a V6 PHEV Purosangue or only V12? [UPDATE] I reached out to Varryx, he says that the Purosangue will be offered only with non-hybrid NA V12
  11. This guy has simply leaked the infos that Varryx has been uploading to his Patreon page, so I think the info is credible. Check out Varryx's Patreon posts and you'll see that I'm right
  12. I guess Dodge will be cheaper and not so well equipped (less gadgets etc). Also, perhaps the Hornet PHEV will have 240cv and smaller battery
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