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  1. It will also have a double (I guess with sth like DRS?) active wing in the back, painted in piano black
  2. Found this photo on FChat. Now we can clearly see the front headlights (reminiscent of the Daytona's, rumors say that the part of the front between the headlights will be painted in contrast color) and that the front bonnet is a cofango (opening in the opposite direction, like in the Purosangue)
  3. Next-gen 500e based on STLA Small has reportedly been delayed to 2030
  4. In this video it is fully clear that the rear lights are a continuous bar
  5. Just found a few interesting things at Lamborghini Talk - Urus PHEV will be named Urus SE and will be unveiled this month in Shanghai - Huracan successor to be revealed in August at the Quail
  6. If true, it'll be 1.8 seconds faster than the SF90 XX, and 4.2 seconds faster than the LaFerrari. PS It's from the same user who reported the 1:19.5 laptime for the F167
  7. Car Magazine reports a few interesting things: - The GT3 at the beginning will still have the current 4.0l NA flat-six, but after 1500 cars are produced it will switch to a mild-hybrid 3.6l NA engine - The GT2 RS will be launched in 2026 with more than 800cv
  8. It seems like Ferrari wants to simplify its models' names, make them more cohesive. We have the 296 GTB, the 650 GTB is coming, and it's very probable that the SF90 M will be named 499 GTB. On the other hand, the GT cars will have actual names (Roma, Purosangue, the rumored Montecarlo)
  9. It'a not April fools, he said this for the first time a few days ago Edit for context: this is 2 tenths faster than the LaFerrari laptime, and equal to the SF90 Spider laptime
  10. After Massini, now Varryx also confirms that this is the GTS. To be unveiled on May 2, together with the Coupe. PS Kudos, chapeau, whatever to @ale75, I just realised that if I remember correctly he is the first person who talked about a simultaneous 167 GTB-GTS unveil, many months ago
  11. This is so f***ing clever. They are geniuses
  12. Could this patent have sth to do with the F250?
  13. Don't forget the new Quattroporte in 2028. It's gonna sell like hot cakes
  14. Rumor from FChat: the F167 GTS will be soft-top. Take it with a pinch of salt, I don't remember this user, I don't think he's reported anything significant in the past. And many people have reported in the past that it'll be hard-top
  15. Marcel Massini confirms that both the GTB and the GTS version will be unveiled at Miami, on May 2nd
  16. Best pictures we've got so far. It is clear now that at the rear we have a continuous bar (a la SF90 XX)
  17. According to Automotive News Europe, The original article can be read only by ANE subscribers
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