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Tutti i contenuti di STEVEC

  1. Well probably the STLA Large has the capacity of underpinning cars with different nose lengths
  2. The Wagoneer S is not BEV‐only, it will have ICE versions (new Cherokee) JPI has talked about 3 power levels (circa 350, 700 and 950cv if I remember well)
  3. Add my 2 cents as well But the EV versions will be three, not two
  4. No hand and no manual gearbox can change gears faster than a good dual clutch gearbox. And Ferrari's one isnt just good, it's excellent
  5. I hope it is not true. From the driver's point of view, a V12 manual makes no sense secondo me. But I guess the people that'll buy it dont care about it, they'll just buy it because it'll be very very limited
  6. It is amazing how much difference it makes (at least to my eyes) to remove the camo. From FChat
  7. The models to be launched in that period are the SF90 M, the 296 Speciale, the F40 Icona, the BEV Cross and the Roma M. @ale75 had mentioned quite a long time ago that Ferrari could launch a four-door based on the 12C chassis, I don't know what's happening with that. The final Icona will be based on the 12C and will have a V12. It'll be launched around 2028/2029 UPDATE: found the post
  9. Just a bit more than the SF90XX, I'd say somewhere between 1050 and 1100. It will remain a V8
  10. New Compass to be unveiled in 3 months
  11. First photo where we can slightly see the floor tunnels
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