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  1. Could be, we know that the next Renegade will be more rugged and boxy than the Avenger and the Compass
  2. Tonale has a length of 4,53m. The next Cherokee will have a length of at least 4,75m and will be based on STLA Large, so it'll be a very different car compared to Compass
  3. Next-gen Giulia + Stelvio will be based on STLA Large, it is 100% certain
  4. Thank you, now I know what will be the stuff of my next nightmare
  5. So it's now clear that there cannot be a Duetto based on STLA Medium, as some both inside and outside this forum were saying. Apart from that, no other news in this press release
  6. From that interview: E a quando qualcosa di speciale per Alfa Romeo? Ma di veramente speciale... "Arriverà, arriverà il 29 di agosto... anzi no. il 30. Ma non vogliamo più dire le cose senza farle, quindi save the date, ci vediamo il 30 agosto, prima del GP di Monza... Facciamo 30 più 3 uguale 33? "Eh ma agosto non si chiude col 33... comunque chiuderemo qualcos'altro...."
  7. Peugeot has announced that the new 3008 will be available in 3 BEV versions, with at least one of them to feature dual motor AWD
  8. Mesonero has talked about an Alfa Romeo event where a few sketches and a concept will be shown, to take place next month. So we could have a teaser or sth for the 33 Stradale there
  9. Hadn't seen that you were talking for a manual gearbox. So yes, that could be an Icona, because it is special. The thing is that I don't know if Ferrari could plug a manual gearbox in any of their current car or engine
  10. I hope that in August, Alfa Romeo announces a CLEAR at least five-year plan, and thus there is no longer the need for guesses or reading between the lines. In other news, Mesonero said to Autocar that the Kid will be the first Alfa after many years to feature the Coda Tronca design
  11. A car with only 500/600cv (911 rival) will have to be significantly cheaper than the 296, possibly even cheaper than the Roma. This means that this model could easily become the new Ferrari best-seller. And by far. And instantly, 2 downsides are created. 1. Ferrari doesn't have the ability to produce 30/40K units. 2. The image of the firm is changed. You are no longer a niche brand, you've become another luxury brand. You will no longer be the tech/performance pinnacle. This won't be good news for your clients, whose cars will instantly have a worse retail price. And they will start looking elsewhere
  12. So, 1030cv confirmed, passenger screen in the middle of the dashboard confirmed, Boost mode confirmed, performance times confirmed, weight saving (only -10kg) confirmed. The downforce is 530kg @ 250kph. Info that perhaps has passed below the radar: the top speed has been lowered to 320kph (from 340kph)
  13. Definitely the SF90 M (F171M), the F250, and the F167 GTS. Roma M (F169M) and next Icona are probably scheduled for late 2024 or early 2025
  14. The first photo (we'd only had a video so far) of the new muletto with the huge s-duct "hole" in the front bonnet By derek
  15. About the weight saving: latest info is that because of stricter safety regs, it won't be much. Word is 10kg less than the AF. Unless you opt for full carbon
  16. Imparato has said that it won't look like an SUV. As I understand it, it should be sth like the current X2 or Puma, talking about the roof line and the height
  17. Just in order not to sneak @ale75's battery and wifi connection levels 😂 PS: This car is so awesome. The Spider has the double bubble element which is just spectacular
  18. What an idiot. He was talking about a car that wasn't even approved Anyway, let's see. Mesonero has said that there will be an event in August, where they will show a concept and some sketches
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