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  1. @ale75 once leaked here the numbers of the 250, 250S and 250XX units that Ferrari will produce. I remember that it was 599 F250 units and 199 F250 Aperta units (to be unveiled in 2027), I fail to remember the number of the F250XX units, I think it was around 40/50
  2. So, the most important takeaways: - Fully digital steering wheel - The beautiful gear selector in the console is still alive - The dashboard has sth weird to the right
  3. I think Napolitano has said that the Y will be unveiled before the end of the year
  4. The steering wheel won't be full touch. Word on FChat is that there'll be at least one, certain button 😉 PS Straight from the FChat: there'll be 2 open-top versions. I'd guess the first one will be a Targa GTS, and the second one will be a classic Spider, as an homage to the Daytona Spider. As for the final Icona, it would be based on the F167, but it'll be really difficult to homologate it under the Euro 7
  5. Audi and VW target only all-electric launches from 2026. Porsche will not launch again a brand-new model equipped with ICEs, excluding the 994. MB is ready to have an all-electric portfolio by 2029, where market conditions allow. It really seems that Stellantis is just simply walking the same path
  6. A GTV or a Montreal based on STLA Large seems possible. STLA Medium, at least officially, does not support RWD
  7. Production starts on June 24, 2024, the first car will be delivered on Dec 17, 2024, and all deliveries will be completed by the end of 2026. The cars will be produced by Carrozzeria Touring Superleggera. Confirmed orders have been placed for 10 V6s and 2 BEVs, the rest are still to decide. The base price is 2M €, but due to their configurations the buyers have payed more than 2.8M€.
  8. Word on FChat is that it could be a roadster, based on the Cielo
  9. My personal guess is that there'll also be one more model reveal in 2024, either the SF90 M or the next Icona
  10. My 2 cents: STLA Medium, like the next C5 Aircross. OF has referred to a range with models of a length up to 4,5m. And the CMP will probably not last that long in Europe, the STLA Small should be ready in 2026, according to official doc 6 models, the car in the centre is the Inception Concept
  11. That was the original plan though. Guess if the plan changed, it had to do with the axed V6-only model
  12. I don't think the Montecarlo is the F167. The F167 will be shorter than the 812 and thus sportier, not more luxurious and grandiose. Plus, the fact that it is referred in a common paragraph with the 296VS (to be revealed in 2025) and that the wording used is "exploring the possibilty" probably mean that it ain't coming before 2025/2026. So it is either a white-space model (a car in the Continental/Granturismo segment, but more technologically advanced and expensive) or the Icona SP5 (the SP4 will be a V8). From the paragraph, I have a feeling it won't be an Icona. And I think the name Montecarlo hints that it's gonna be part of the GT line, as it is the name of a city, just like the Portofino and the Roma
  13. The name will be 33. Autocar has reported it, and I shared it here a few days ago
  14. There are some NAFTA models coming, which are not on the list. Stellantis has given green light to a RAM Mid-size Truck based on the STLA Large (not Frame) platform, to be launched in 2025/2026. It was announced at the EV Day. Also there are rumors for 2 new Dodge UVs (Stealth and New Durango) and a Chrysler Sedan
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