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  1. Autoweek, following an interview with Davide Danesin (development chief), reports that Maserati is working on a new GranTurismo MC Stradale (same or more power than the Trofeo, but RWD) and a less powerful EV version
  2. The Multipla will also be a classic SUV. It has to be roomy, so it will be tall, don't expect a coupe. But I don't think that it will be twinned with the New C5 Aircross. The New C5 Aircross will be much larger
  3. FIAT sees the 600 as the 500L replacement. It will take the place of the 500 Giardiniera that Marchionne had announced. The Tipo replacement will be launched in 2 years from now, it will be a 4.4m-long crossover, and currently it is named Multipla
  4. I'm really sorry mate, I misread your previous post
  5. Only the second one is available for the 308, the 3008, the 5008 and the 408. Both versions will be available only for the 208 and the 2008
  6. So, a New Giulietta isn't coming at least until 2028
  7. It was the 3,5'' screen in front of the driver
  8. I was also talking about the reliability of the electronics. The instrument cluster screen of our Giulia was often glitching. Sometimes while driving it was switching the 'D' sign with the 'P' one, although nothing was happening to the gearbox, and sometimes it was going full-black. Never had those kind of things with the 316i, and we had both for 4 years each. Anyway, I think we should leave it here and everyone keep his opinion. It goes without saying that the car we all reminisce more now is the Giulia. My mother calls my father an idiot for not buying a Giulia again and opting for the Tonale
  9. Someone had said in this forum a long time ago that the QV MCA will be a MHEV. Do we have any further news about that?
  10. “Ne parleremo a giugno – chiarisce Imparato - prenderemo le decisioni in merito ai piani futuri alla fine di maggio e li comunicheremo poco dopo. Diciamo che l’annuncio potrà essere in due sedi, o a Le Mans Classic di fine giugno, manifestazione nell’ambito della quale stiamo anche organizzando qualcosa di particolare, o al Gran Premio di Silverstone il 9 luglio”. Le due sedi non sono casuali, nel primo caso sarà annunciato un programma Endurance (le voci indicano un progetto LMDh) nel secondo l’accordo con una squadra F1.
  11. I'm talking about the quality of the materials in the interior and other areas, as well as the reliability. Little story: my dad's car once was a 316i (made in 2013), and his next one was a Giulia Super 2.0 (made in 2017). The trunk door of the Giulia was much weaker, you had to hold it with your one hand while it was open, otherwise it would fall in your head. He has ordered a Tonale MTJ now though
  12. Jaguar is dying. Mazda will be nowhere in Europe in a few years, if it doesn't get serious BEVs soon. Currently, there's only the MX-30 joke with laughable range. Also, its latest 2 new models were 2 ugly, bulky SUVs, made to appeal to the US and not Europe or Japan. I wouldn't like my favorite Italian sports brand to degrade like that Back in 2021, Alfa Romeo couldn't compare AT ALL with the German brands when it was coming to model range and investments in place for future models. Also the cars had no electrification, plus inferior connectivity and quality. As I said before: JPI took charge of a wrecked brand. And that's a fact. Let's see how Alfa will be in 5 years from now
  13. The only models that Alfa Romeo will have launched before 2025 are the Tonale and the B-UV. The B-UV won't be sold in the US, while the Tonale is currently sold there only as PHEV. So, switching any of them to BEV shouldn't be a problem. From 2025, Alfa Romeo will do the same with all the rival brands, which is launching only BEVs, cause the Euro7 regs are a joke. Comparing a small brand like Alfa Romeo, whixh also unfortunately went through the terrible leaderships of Marchionne (launched only 2 new models, and those with no hybrid versions) and Manley (did nothing), with giants like Audi, BMW and MB is not fair
  14. The New Panda will be BEV-only and larger (~3.9m long). So I don't think that there'll be a big problem
  15. The thing is that the projects of the Nettuno engine and the MC20 were already green-lit by the previous ownership (falsely, in my opinion). Also, the Grecale and the GT/GC were already being developed when the ownership changed. So, the current owners had to put ICEs to those cars as well for two reasons: a) to offset the development cost, b) because the Grecale Folgore and MC20 Folgore were not ready yet. So, the switch to full-BEV will come with the 4Porte. Secondo me, the Maserati should've been the first brand to switch to full-BEV for many and obvious reasons: a) it's the forefront of the group, so you should use it as a medium to "advertise" a new tech, b) it's the most expensive brand of the group, so its audience doesn't have a problem with the price of an EV, c) it's a luxury brand that makes grand tourers, and the electric engines are perfect for that type of cars. Secondo me, the fact that this brand made a mid-engined sports car with an F1-tech ICE, was pure stupidity The Alfa Romeo case is totally different. JPI was given a wrecked brand, with little range and a tiny amount of future products planned. It would've been an absolute madness if he had announced all-new ICE models for 2025/2026, while established giants like MB, BMW and Audi have announced that all their new launches starting from 2025 (2026 for Audi) will be BEV-only Maserati has said that they will keep ICE cars in their range till 2030
  16. Yup. And the Ypsilon MCA (coming in 2028) will also be BEV-only
  17. I think the 2nd one is more probable
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