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  1. Not gonna lie, it's logical, this is their new kid. And it has lower CO2 emissions than the V8. The thing is that the V6 cannot produce more than 750cv, and even this is crazy (but Ferrari is preparing it). Even if you add 3 e-motors, you hardly touch 1,250cv. But if you add 2 more cylinders you could even touch 1,500cv. Madness. An unprecedented differentiation from the other models. But I understand that nowadays this is not the main target. Ferrari has clearly chosen the V6 over the V8 because of the CO2 emissions. And they want: a. to improve this engine as much as possible, b. to assure the public that a true Ferrari can have a V6. And the F250 is the perfect way to achieve both targets Btw do you or anyone else know (and can say) if the 499P Stradale will have the exact same powertrain, or less e-motors?
  2. I think Tavares has said that Lancia will return to some kind of motorsport at some point in the future
  3. I know it's boring because I'm the only one saying it 😂, but after the news that Ferrari is planning a V6 SF90 M (if they come out true, if anyone else can confirm it, it would be welcome), I lean even more strongly on believing that the F250 will have a V8. With the V8, Ferrari will differentiate the Supercar from the SF90 M much more effectively: 2 more cylinders and therefore much more cv (it could even reach 1,400cv)
  4. Can you say by how much has the F245 been delayed? And will there be both a SF90 VS and a MCA? Also, this means that the only mechanical difference between the F250 and the SF90 successor will be the carbon chassis. Seems too little to differentiate them enough
  5. A Lancia concept car is scheduled for next year. It should preview the Aurelia Alfa Romeo should host an event in March, in which we should see the 33 Stradale Homage and perhaps even the Zagato. Make no mistake, FIAT should've also scheduled an event for March, in which we could see the 600 or a concept car. Or both
  6. I don't have any inside info, I just collect info from forums and sites. But thank you for thinking that I'm special enough to have inside info 😂😅 About the 296 VS, I haven't read somewhere a specific reveal date. My guess is 2025. The 812 VS was revealed 4 years after the 812, and the SF90 will follow the same pattern. So, the same could happen with the 296
  7. I think @ale75 has talked about a 800cv Purosangue, and he's always spot-on, so... I'll try to find the post
  8. The nuova FIAT Panda (2024) will be produced in Serbia, and the 2025 FIAT UV "Multipla" will probably be produced in Turkey. So, sth is wrong here
  9. By the term EV Hypercar, I mean the SF90 successor (F245) LMH, not LMHd (sorry for being too specific 🤓)
  10. You know, not much. The 812 successor (+ GTS), the Supercar, the 499P Stradale, the Purosangue VS, the V6 Roma (+ Spider), the EV Hypercar, the 296 VS (+ GTS), the EV Purosangue and the V8 Icona. Add also the Supercar XX. And all these by 2026
  11. Presentation in April. The Roma Spider will be presented in February
  12. What do you mean? Won't it have 2 rear doors? It'll have approximately the same length with the Avenger
  13. Laborghini Huracàn Sterrato Realizzata in soli 1.499 esemplari, la versione “fuoristrada” della Huracàn è l'ultima Laborghini a montare il 5.2 V10 da 610CV prima dell’inevitabile passaggio all'elettrificazione. Altezza da terra aumentata di 44 mm rispetto alla Huracan Evo, carreggiate anteriore e posteriore più larghe di 30 e 34 mm. La velocità massima è di 260 km/h in virtù dell’assetto più orientato al fuoristrada e dagli pneumatici Bridgestone Dueler AT002 studiati ad hoc per questa vettura dalle velleità fuoristradiste. L’abitacolo è caratterizzato dalla selleria in Alcantara Verde Sterrato, mentre il comparto tecnologico riprende quanto già adottato sulle altre vetture della famgilia Huracàn. Tra le specifiche uniche per questo allestimento, ci sono: il display centrale con nuove schermate dedicate alla guida su sterrato, con l’introduzione della modalità di guida Rally del sistema LDVI, ci sono l’inclinometro digitale con indicatore di beccheggio e rollio, la bussola, l’indicatore delle coordinate geografiche e l’angolo di sterzo. Sketch: Video:
  14. Stop comparing the Granturismo with the Roma. The GT is 30cm longer, and therefore has 2 proper rear seats. Though I believe that the GT price is too high
  15. If the SOP is scheduled for April, it cannot arrive at the dealerships before that. As an example, Tonale's production started in March and the car arrived at the dealerships in June
  16. So, if I had to guess Presentation --> Feb/Mar 2024 In dealerships --> July 2024
  17. Seems like sth is going REALLY wrong with the GTz. There was a teaser by Zagato last year which implied that the car will be revealed this year. Yet, it's November 9th, and it's certain that the November event that JPI had talked about will be dedicated only to the Tonale eAWD. Does anyone know sth? Will it be presented next year, perhaps in March together with the 33 Stradale Homage concept?
  18. Still, earlier than the year when they'll win again in F1
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