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  1. According to JPI, it will have all the advantages of a UV, it won't be a CoupeUV, but definitely something sleeker than a classic UV. I think the Eletre, the Urus and the Purosangue are good examples, speaking for design, not price
  2. It could come, but certainly don't expect the unveiling before early 2024
  3. The only Italian words I say to my everyday life are espresso and cappuccino, and so far they allow me to write here, so I guess no worries
  4. Some sources have confirmed that Zagato will just manufacture it, the design is done by Alfa Romeo. I guess we'll learn some things in 8 days... 👀
  5. Yeah, but the title says that that Zagato 4C is coming by 2023, as the GTz. Could it be that 2 Alfa Romeo Zs are coming? I don't think so...
  6. Is there a serious reason that the title changed? Has anyone heard from reliable sources that the GTz will be based on the 4C?
  7. There will be only one Panda UV, at least in Europe. A second, bigger one would cannibalize the New 500X. From 2025, the models produced in Turkey will not reach Europe
  8. The well-known day355 reaffirms that Roma Spider will be V8, as Massini has already said (so don't expect the V6 Roma M before 2025). He also says that 812 successor will certainly not be hybrid
  9. I heard that the 2 cars will be the Vantage V12 Roadster and a Le Mans prototype
  10. No, in 2023 we'll see heavy restylings for all 3 models (DB11, Vantage, DBS). DB11 and Vantage will also be offered as V8 PHEV from 2024. DBX restyling + PHEV and Valhalla coming also in 2024. Vanquish & 1st BEV in 2025. I remind you that by 2030 all 3 "front-engined" lines (DB11/DBS, Vantage and DBX) will have switched to only-BEV
  11. For f*ck sake, we need to find a way to see those goddamn renders 🥲
  12. Nope, this has been the plan for many months Allow me not to consider e.g. the Mokka a DS3 clone. It's a completely different model with its own personality. Thank god, the FCA did not merge with VAG
  13. The 600 should be unveiled before the end of Q1 2023 and arrive at dealerships in summer. The Panda will probably just be unveiled before the end of 2023, the market launch is definitely scheduled for 2024
  14. Nope, Tavares has cut the budget. Clay is okay
  15. Official: The 33 Stradale Homage will be revealed in H1 2023
  16. According to a fella from FerrariChat, this is the mule neither of SF90XX nor of SF90VS, but of SF90 Challenge. I doubt it, to be honest
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