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Oramai è tutto passato ,sono riuscito a inserirmi nell'ingranaggio Vedo che non segui la mia discussione sulle "muscle Cars " , altrimenti potevi notare che fino a metà degli anni 60 era di moda la verniciatura bicolore ,tono su tono, oppure il tettuccio in colore differente. Sulla brochure ufficiale non è presente la lista completa della dotazione di serie e opzionale , allora usava molto realizzare una brochure apposita di cui non ho copia , quindi non posso darti una risposta certa sui colori della carrozzeria e su loro eventuali abbinamenti .Comunque le dodge mayfair / Regent/Kingsway, ulteriori sorelle di una numerossima famiglia , avevano ben tre tipi di rosso in listino e pure il tettuccio in colore differente . Da 58 Mayfair .com In USA lo specchietto esterno sinistro dovrebbe essere diventato obbligatorio, quindi di serie, a cavallo del 65-67 . Molti costruttori offrivano nella lista accessori sia il sinistro che il destro, quest'ultimo pure regolabile dall'interno .
Ho dato un occhiata alla mole di brochure che mi sono state inviate e ho trovato pure quella relativa alle Plymouth " Full size" . Nel 1958 erano non 3 ma ben 4 i modelli, allestimenti , serie , insomma non trovo un termine adatto , per definire queste 4 auto di alta gamma che differivano veramente ben poco . La Fury era il top di gamma e pare fosse disponibile solo a 2 porte hard top , insomma un gigantesco "coupè" . La Belvedere aveva ben 4 diverse tipologie di corpo vettura , compresa la 2 porte hartd top .La Savoy si fermava a tre e di nuovo era presente la 2 porte hartd top. Con la Plaza erano solo due i corpi vettura disponibili , anche in questo caso era presente la 2 porte hard top. Tra l'altro con la sigla Fury v-800 indicavano una famiglia di v8 che era disponibile su tutte . Il motore d'ingresso della vettura Fury era il v8 Dual Fury - 800 , scusate il gioco di parole , inoltre era presente una versione vitaminizzata , non disponibile a pagamento sulla vettura Fury , siglato v8 Dual Fury - 800 super pack . Infine il v8 più potente , disponibile a pagamento su tutte , era il v8 Golden command . Alla luce di queste notizie è chiaro che eventuali differenze tra tutte queste vetture erano solo il prezzo, l'allestimento interno, la quantità di accessori disponibili a richiesta , alcune cromature esterne .
Se non ricordo male Chevrolet impala : Chevrolet Bel -Air = Plymouth Fury : ? ( Plymouth Belvedere ) . In pratica la Fury era il massimo allestimento della grande Plymouth Belvedere . Disponeva, è vero , di motori e accessori esclusivi ma era un clone della più economica Belvedere. Da notare che pure la Plymouth, come la chevrolet ( Byscane ) , aveva un ulteriore clone intermedio , la Savoy.
Nome della famiglia EB , 1000 e 1200 cc con potenze rispettivamente di 68cv e 82 cv. Questi i valori di emissione di co2 dei nuovi motori sul corpo vettura peugeout 208 . 1.0 vti : 99 grammi /km 1.2 vti: 104 grammi /km Da Automobilismo
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Disastrosa la decisione di aumentare ulteriormente le aliquote IVA e le accise sui carburanti, ci sarà un ulteriore e disastrosa riduzione dei consumi . Visto che a qualcuno piacciano i ricorsi storici ,io mi unisco : l'iva al 24% , al 12 % , accise sui carburanti sono come la tassa sul macinato.
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seppure in ritardo. Auguri Hainz.
i materiali ( -140 kg complessivi ) i nuovi lavavetro integrati con i tergicristalli la "cassa" di risonanza per lo stereo di bordo tutte foto tratte da Carscoop
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un altro prodotto, non ortodosso ,Fiat . Da dagospia Pare che il suo campo d'intervento spaziasse dal mal di testa fino alla scarsa produzione . Esiste anche un divertentissimo filmato d'epoca,questa foto è il fotogramma finale, che però non sono riuscito a ritrovare .
Buona lettura della prima parte. https://s3-eu-west-1.amazonaws.com/muupublic/share/18TFSI.pdf The launch of the new 1.8l TFSI engine marks the third generation of the successful four-cylinder gasoline engine family from Audi. It has been completely revised in order to meet ambitious CO2 targets and ensure compliance with future Euro 6 emissions standards. The new generation features numerous innovative technologies, including an exhaust gas cooling system integrated into the cylinder head, a dual fuel injection system with direct and portfuel injection as well as the Audi valvelift system with twin camshaft adjustment. A new-style fully electronic coolant control also enables an innovative thermomanagement system to be implemented. This first part of the article details the base engine and the thermomanagement system of the new engine. The second part of the article, which will be published in MTZ 7 / 8, covers the mixture formation, the combustion method and the turbocharging
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1969 Chevrolet camaro v8 427 Nickey/bill thomas Dopo la Baldwin motion perfomance , questo fu il secondo preparatore che decise di non offrire ai propri cliente solo prodotti Copo .Da segnalare pure la fine del connubio con il pilota Dick harrell, quest'ultimo continuò a tenere in piedi il rapporto con la Fred Gibbs chevrolet e altri . Quindi nel 1969 fu solo la Bill Thomas perfomance a dettare le caratteristiche delle conversioni in v8 427 e a realizzarle , mentre la nickey continuò ad occuparsi del solo lato commerciale. Immancabile pure per la Bill Thomas la pubblicazione del proprio catalogo di componenti con dettagliata analisi dei propri 3 livelli di preparazione ma , al momento, il materiale non è ampiamente diffuso neppure tra gli appassionati d'oltre oceano, disdponibili solo poche briciole . Da E-bay. Per farci un idea delle delle realizzazioni Nickey/bill thomas dobbiamo quindi rifarci alle poche vetture offerte sul mercato dell'usato. Ad esempio uno dei due esemplari realizzato partendo dalla più attrezzata Z-28, entrambe furono trasformate in nickey stage II ( ? ) , il livello intermedio della preparzione offerta dalla Nickey/Thomas . Entrambe da midnightclubla.darkbb.com - Come base la camaro z-28 del 1969 - Trapianto di un v8 427 L-88 con teste in alluminio , provenienza corvette ,in luogo del v8 302 small block di serie - Trasmissione a 4 marce con rapporti corti M-22 . - eliminazione autoradio, impianto di climatizzazione abitacolo, eliminazione meccanismo vetri elettrici . - collettori di scarico singoli e di uguale lunghezza tra tutti i cilindri - kit accensione Mallory - barre di trazione - Frizione maggiorata - carter per la protezione degli arti inferiori in caso di esplosione degli organi di trasmissione - ventola a inserimento termostatico - strumentazione supplementare della Sun - leva cambio e leveraggi ( ? ) Hurst - ammortizzatori Hurst _ pneumatici slicks Good years su cerchi SS Gragars Pare che furono realizzate, per il 1969, un totale di 9 camaro v8 427 stage I così equipaggiate - V8 427/425 H.P. Engine da identificare la versione . L'unica notizia disponibile è il codice N. 3955270 - esterno con style exterior groups per SS 396 ( RPO X-22 ) - Trasmissione a 4 marce con raporti corti M-22 . Era possibile ottenereil cambio automastico a 3 rapporti con rapporto al ponte da 3,73:1 - rapporto al ponte da 4,10 :1 con differenziale autobloccante Positraction - interni standard in vinile nero - servosterzo - presa d'aria per l'alimentazione sul cofano motore ( Zl-2) - freni a disco anteriori con servofreno - strumentazione supplementare Sun super gauges - barre di trazione - leva cambio e leveraggi ( ? ) Hurst - ammortizzatori Hurst - pneumatici slicks Good years su cerchi SS Gragars Non ho trovato , fino ad ora , informazioni su eventuali Camaro 1969 con preparazione Stage III .
ultime sindacali da oltre oceano : Autos Insider | Chrysler vote leaning toward ratification | The Detroit News Chrysler vote leaning toward ratification UAW: Rejection means arbitration and a worse deal Bryce G. Hoffman/ The Detroit News Leaders of the United Auto Workers are urging members to think twice before voting against ratification of a new national contract with Chrysler Group LLC. And some workers are listening. With 52.3 percent of workers at Chrysler's Sterling Heights Assembly Plant casting their ballots in favor of the agreement Friday, the vote now seems to be titling towards ratification. UAW members at a number of small locals representing Chrysler parts distribution centers in California, Massachusetts, Georgia, Illinois, Texas and Florida also voted "Yes." However, workers at the Sterling Heights Stamping Plant voted to reject the contract, with only 41 percent of assembly workers and 26 percent of skilled trades voting in favor of it. On Thursday, members of UAW Local 51, which represents workers at Chrysler's Mack Avenue engine plants in Detroit, voted overwhelmingly in favor of the agreement. More than 90 percent of production workers and nearly 60 percent of skilled trades workers cast their ballots for ratification. A vote tally was not available Friday evening; together, the plants employ more than 300. Members of UAW Local 422, which represents workers at Chrysler's parts distribution center in Boston, also voted "yes" on the new contract, 37-20. UAW members began voting on the contract Monday. By Tuesday, workers at Chrysler's massive manufacturing complex in Kokomo, Ind., had thrown support solidly behind the contract. But on Wednesday, workers in Illinois, Ohio and Michigan voted against ratification — a trend that continued Thursday when workers at Chrysler's Trenton Engine Complex also voted "no." Now the vote is too close to call. Earlier this week, Chrysler announced it would invest $165 million in the Sterling Heights assembly plant. "I think it's going to be a squeaker," said labor expert Kristen Dzicek of the Center for Automotive Research. But she warned that voting this contract down will not lead to better terms for union members. "There is no going back to the table. The procedure from here is arbitration." UAW leaders have been touring plants making the same point to the rank and file. Chrysler workers gave up the right to strike as a condition of the 2009 bailout of their company by the federal government. Dzicek said arbitration will likely cost workers money. "It will be worse than the current contract," she said. "And if they do not sign, I suspect that there will not be a signing bonus." Under the tentative agreement reached Oct. 12 between Chrysler and the UAW, workers get $1,750 for signing the contract, and another $1,750 once the company achieves financial stability. The new agreement also promises substantial investment in U.S. factories — something that has Fiat SpA workers up in arms. Some went on strike this week to protest the transfer of work to Chrysler, which is owned by the Italian automaker. Thousands of members of Fiom Cgil, Fiat's biggest union, walked off the line Friday. But Fiat-Chrysler CEO Sergio Marchionne warned that the strike would not help their cause. "The strike is a very, very, very bad idea," he said this week in Turin, where Fiat is based. "You are telling someone who wants to invest in the country that you're not willing to participate and you are trying to impose conditions on the investments which you can't control." Arbitration could drag out for more than a year, according to experts like Dzicek. But that would only save Chrysler money, because the automaker would be able to continue to pay workers what they make today. The new deal would substantially raise wages for entry-level employees, in addition to providing annual bonuses for all workers. bhoffman@detnews.com From The Detroit News: Autos Insider | Chrysler vote leaning toward ratification | The Detroit News
in effetti potrebbe essere un momento no . From The Detroit News: Autos Insider | Chrysler voting tilts to 'no' | The Detroit News Chrysler voting tilts to 'no' Some accuse union of censorship for trying to hide results Bryce G. Hoffman/ The Detroit News The rank and file appears to be turning against a tentative agreement between Chrysler Group LLC and the United Auto Workers, with two more Michigan locals voting "no" Thursday on the new national contract. UAW Local 372, which represents workers at Chrysler's Trenton Engine Complex, voted against ratification, with 55 percent of voting members checking the "no" box on their ballots, according to official results. There were also unconfirmed reports by members Thursday that workers at UAW Local 869, which represents employees at Chrysler's Warren Stamping Plant, also rejected the contract Wednesday, with nearly 54 percent voting "no." The UAW is trying to prevent the release of voting results, saying early tallies could skew the outcome of the plebiscite. Union members at factories in Illinois and Ohio voted against ratification of the new national contract Wednesday, while two other locals representing workers in Indiana and Michigan voted in favor of it. On Monday and Tuesday, two other locals representing workers at Chrysler's manufacturing complex in Kokomo, Ind., also voted in favor of ratification. Local 51, which represents workers at Chrysler's Mack Avenue Engine Complex in Detroit, also voted Thursday, but results were not available at press time. "Our intention with UAW Chrysler is to announce voting results once all members have had the opportunity to vote on the contract," UAW Vice President General Holiefield, head of the union's Chrysler division, told The Detroit News. "Posting daily totals may discourage smaller local unions, voting later in the process, from voting if they feel the election has already been decided." But some workers accused the union of censorship. Others, like Cathy Smith of Local 372 in Trenton, questioned why the union is changing its reporting policy, noting that Ford Motor Co. results were being posted daily by the UAW's national Ford Department. "If we post any thing on the Facebook page, they remove it," she said. "Why are we being treated different? It gives the perception that they are trying to hide something. I'm not saying they are, but that's what people are saying." Labor expert Kristen Dziczek of the Center for Automotive Research said the UAW's openness about the Ford results was unprecedented. "Having that update helped them get that agreement ratified. At Chrysler, the strategy seems to be different," she said, noting that each of the union's national departments are making their own decisions about how much information to release to members. "The Chrysler Department, for whatever reason, has decided to not be as open as the UAW Ford Department was." In addition to trying to prevent the release of vote totals, the Chrysler Department is urging the rank and file to think twice before complaining about the terms of the new contract on its Facebook page, apparently in reaction to numerous comments from members upset that the terms of the new contract are not more generous. "Please keep in mind public opinion still matters in these difficult times when many are without jobs, paying into their medical insurance, without pensions," it said in a message to members Thursday. Aaron Smith, senior research specialist with the Pew Research Center's Internet & American Life Project, said individuals and organizations alike are still trying to figure out how to use social media sites like Facebook and Twitter effectively without compromising confidential information. "There is a certain tension between maintaining control of the discussion on one hand and allowing people to talk freely — particularly when you are dealing with organizations setting up officially sanctioned channels," he said. Holiefield said the union understands the challenges of social media. "Even with its limitations, the use of social media has given us a new opportunity for two-way communication with our members," he said. "At the point we reached tentative agreements, social media provided an avenue for members to post questions and get answers about the contracts, to interact with one another in honest and open debate, and to send feedback to the union, both positive and negative. We hope to continue and encourage this debate and participation." From The Detroit News: http://detnews.com/article/20111021/AUTO01/110210354/Chrysler-voting-tilts-to-‘no’#ixzz1bQE95EhV
scusate ,ma per farsi un idea ,di massima, delle potenzialità della vettura potete rivolgervi alla prova su strada ( Motor trend ) della versione SRT. Non anticipo nulla per evitare di venir accusato di ulteriori polemiche
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- impressioni di guida
- test lancia thema 2011
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vista interno parziale , ottenuta modificando una foto di Carscoop ( per i meno attenti ) Lunghezza : 4,26 m Passo: 2,595m ( 2,630m le altre ) Peso: il 10% più leggera dell'attuale ( stimato )
magari in quelli di piccola cilindrata. I benzina medi aspirati , in versione sportiva, da 1600 e 2000 cc sono ottimi motori, anzi il due litri aspirato ( oltre 200 cv ) è forse superiore alla sua più potente versione turbo
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- 1.2 dig-s
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Da 4R : "La valutazione di outlook negativo - spiegano - è legata ai rischi dell'integrazione con Chrysler, ma se questa andrà a buon fine potrà stabilizzarsi". Anche autonews è del medesimo parere .
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