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  • Marca e Modello Auto
    Volkswagen Golf year 2017

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  1. What you have to be careful with for Ferrari, is their way of phrasing. They always say they have ALLOCATED all of them. But that's clear when the allocation process is that they pick 799 top customers, who then have the option to pass on the allocation. Having allocated the cars means nothing until they have received deposits and lock-in. I recall them saying the same with the Purosangue, but oddly enough they meant that all allocations had been distributed to the dealerships, so Ferrari, the Maranello HQ, had no more allocations left - but dealers in Europe still had free allocations
  2. Any ideas what they could be testing here?
  3. Zorro front.
  4. Why the black stripe on an otherwise really nice and coherent design, why..... Get help, Manzoni
  5. Wonder if it being in the blanket covered stage implies a 2025 launch, or if they're still in early enough stages to push it to H1 of 2026
  6. Correct, not fake. Seen other angles of the car as well, so it's either a very elaborate hoax from multiple independent sources or the real deal.
  7. That sounds like a speedy SP4 -> SP5 release, no? Monza: 2018 SP3: 2021 SP4: 2025(?) SP5: 2027 (?) Unless they release the SP5 in Q4 of 2027 to make up for it. With the current ramp-up schedule for Iconas, the SP4 production will barely have been ramped up before SP5 is launched if that schedule is to hold.
  8. I stand by my statement that Lamborghini needs a new designer. What is that rear?
  9. External. Supposedly from Tuthill
  10. It's going to depreciate like a cow falling from the 30th floor of a skysccraper. No way a €500k EV crossover is going to hold its value, no matter the logo they slap on it
  11. Via:
  12. Aren't they just trying to hide it in the lower corner of the windscreen? Not sure about the legalities of the stickers' placements or looks, but that sure looks like a lightning bolt.
  13. It's time for Gorden Wagener to leave MBZ. What a disastrous route of hideous cars he's taken all their brands down of....
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