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  1. ci sono schizzi di design o proposte per la versione berlina? Grazie
  2. Mazda Design Dynasty Matasaburo e Ikuo Maeda sono la dinastia del design che ancora oggi modella lo stile di Mazda. Entrambi leggendari designer di automobili presso Mazda con alcuni dei modelli più influenti del marchio sotto il loro mandato. Matasaburo Maeda entrò in Mazda nel 1962 e nel giro di diciotto anni divenne Direttore Generale del Dipartimento di Design Mazda dal 1980 al 1987. Ispirato dal movimento tedesco Bauhaus, Matasaburo credeva fermamente nel principio "la forma segue la funzione" e che ogni dettaglio del design dovrebbe avere uno scopo. Questo approccio trovò la sua espressione in modelli come la squadrata Mazda 929, venduta dal 1981 al 1986. Tuttavia, il coronamento della prima era del design Maeda fu la Mazda RX-7 di prima generazione. Lanciata nel 1978, la Mazda RX-7 è stata la prima auto sportiva Mazda destinata al mercato di massa e sarebbe diventata il veicolo a motore rotativo più venduto della storia. Durante la sua permanenza presso Mazda Design, Matasaburo Maeda ha sviluppato un sistema di lavoro collaborativo tra questi tre gruppi che è ancora oggi il fondamento dell’approccio di co-creazione di Mazda. Inizialmente il giovane Ikuo Maeda non aveva alcuna intenzione di intraprendere una carriera nel design automobilistico, nonostante il suo amore precoce per le auto, in particolare per le auto da corsa. Ikuo Maeda ha iniziato la sua carriera presso Mazda nel 1982 e nel giro di tre anni è passato allo Yokohama Design Studio. Ispirato dalla sensualità del design italiano e dall'energia dinamica della natura, a Ikuo è stato assegnato il ruolo di progettare il successore dell'iconico RX-7 di suo padre. La Mazda RX-8 è stata progettata come un potente motore anteriore con trazione posteriore, combinato con un design sportivo e da coupé. Fedele alla sua abitudine, Matasaburo Maeda venne a conoscenza del coinvolgimento di suo figlio nel progetto della Mazda RX‑8 solo circa tre mesi prima che l'auto fosse messa in vendita nel 2003. Lo sviluppo dell'RX-8 può essere fatto risalire al concetto RX-01 del 1995. A causa della posizione finanziaria di Mazda in quel momento e del crescente interesse del mercato per i SUV, la RX-01 non vide ulteriore sviluppo o produzione. Tuttavia, un team di ingegneri del "progetto skunkworks" all'interno di Mazda ha mantenuto vivo lo sviluppo della RX-01 utilizzando un telaio MX-5 allungato noto internamente come "gokiburi-ka", o "macchina dello scarafaggio", attirando alla fine l'attenzione del management. Il progetto ottenne l'approvazione ufficiale da parte del management a una condizione, che l'auto risultante dovesse avere quattro porte. Quindi, lo sviluppo della RX-01 avanzò e alla fine portò al debutto della concept car 1999 Mazda RX-EVOLV che iniziò a somigliare alla versione di produzione della RX-8 con le porte posteriori antivento "freestyle". Lo stile è stato ulteriormente perfezionato, nella tradizione Mazda, dalla competizione tra i suoi studi di design in Giappone, Stati Uniti ed Europa. Designer : Ikuo Maeda (2000)
  3. Bene, qualcuno ha o potrebbe condividere una proposta di design/schizzo ufficiale della Opel Astra G del 1998? Grazie mille
  4. For me, I feel the 8th Euro Civic inspired by this BMW E1 Concept. Not really similar, the Civic was more like spaceship-inspired look, but there are some resemblance of it, especially when you look at the silhouette
  5. Sì, certo. questa generazione di Honda Civic è davvero futuristica e invecchiata bene. Tuttavia, ad essere onesti, non capisco dove sia lo stile o l'influenza italiana perché questo design assomiglia ancora alle auto progettate in Giappone.😅
  6. The soul may be Japanese but the styling in certain aspects at least is Italian. To create the new Honda Civic, Toshiyuki Okumoto, head of external design, spent many long months in Milan where the Japanese manufacturer has a studio. “To complete”, he says, “the car's strong, decisive personality, to be closer to European culture and, therefore, to better understand its needs”. Crucial inspiration of Honda Civic revolutionary design was the Japanese Kimono. Having this in mind, European clothes are tightly fit to the body, tending to show the body shape while A Japanese Kimono wraps itself around the body in a plain manner but with sharp lines. Thus, the combination of sensual movement (a European quality) and unpretentious sharp-edge design (a Japanese quality) were incorporated as much as possible into the design of the new Civic. Wider and lower, with its general appearance it is half way between an MPV and a coupé, while with its very special look the new Civic represents a clean break with the past, starting with the front which is cut by a transparent strip that covers grille and lights. The rear handle door concealed on window frame like inspired by Alfa Romeo 156. Even the interior takes a modern route with its large spaces but also the unusual dash, interpreted in futuristic vein with hi-tech instrumentation and controls. “The concept driving the development of this car”, says Matsumoto,“ was to create something revolutionary. We set ourselves the target of creating a car that would stimulate our European customers and, perhaps, even induce our most direct rivals to follow suit. By revolution, I mean the creation of something that no-one else has been able to achieve in the past. So, I didn't look at previous Civic models. instead followed the principles that I believe underlie what a car should be, the total expression of high class design, true driving pleasure, and sportiness. Our challenge was to create just such a car for Europe, and we achieved it by matching logic with technological magic.” Okumoto agrees: “Design must always be something new, to promote the credibility of the designer and brand, but also to convey their aggressive approach to the market”, adding “and yet the packaging for the Civic is uniquely Honda, so I wanted to develop a style for the new model that incorporated this brand concept.” Designer : Tokiyushi Okumoto (2003)
  7. Does anyone can share Auto&Design content especially from 1990-2000s edition? Grazie
  8. The Renault Modus is a B-segment model that is very close to its final version and represents a major advance in Renault's recent history. The idea of a Clio-derived MPV had been around for quite some time, but establishing a business case for it proved difficult. However, in the wake of the Renault-Nissan alliance, a shared platform strategy has opened the door to the joint development of such a model by both manufacturers. Conceptually, it was largely a repetition of the thinking behind the 1996 Mégane Scénic, with an emphasis on packaging, practicality and versatility. Technically, it would share its chassis and running gear design with its Clio III/Nissan Micra III sibling. In the same way that the Mégane II drew heavily from the VelSatis concept car, the Renault Modus took styling cues from both the VelSatis and the Koleos. The Modus arrived in 2004 in a market that had begun to contract with tall crossovers. However, with 650,000 units sold, it was a modest success for Renault. While the Modus will never enjoy the historical significance of the Espace, or the commercial importance of the Scénic, it has carved out a compact, harmonious and highly distinctive niche all its own. Designers : Patrick Le Quement, Stéphan Barral (2001)
  9. Ciao a tutti, qualcuno ha una proposta di design ufficiale e schizzi di Renault Vel Satis, Renault Laguna II, Renault Laguna III e Renault Scenic III? Ti sarò grato se potrai condividerlo. Grazie mille
  10. The search for the second generation Renault Clio began a year ago before the 1994 Renault Argos concept was unveiled. Replacing one of Europe's most popular cars required a delicate approach. The room to maneuver was tight, and the designers knew it. The "X65" program was launched in the autumn of 1993. A series of sketches were made at the end of 1993. By then, the first generation Renault Clio had been launched in June 1990. First, the basic stylistic variation, playing on the graphic effect of the glass work, especially on the tailgate. Some models borrowed the ellipse theme that had been developed on the first-generation Renault Megane. Others went further, developing a broad arched section creating a lower window line that rise towards the enlarged C-pillar that found similar on 1998 Peugeot 206. Designer : Patrick Le Quement (1993)
  11. Volvo CLV (Concept Lab Volvo) offre ai partecipanti al New York Auto Show del 2003 uno sguardo sulla New York del futuro. CLV include alcuni studi concettuali molto interessanti su come potrebbe apparire un'intera gamma di piccole Volvo. I modelli di queste auto rimarranno esposti durante lo spettacolo e includeranno: Un piccolo SUV: dimostra come la robustezza espressiva e la flessibilità di un grande SUV possano arrivare in dimensioni compatte con un ingombro efficiente. Permette l'uso fuoristrada così come la comodità urbana Un "Urban Jungle Rider": un roadster a quattro ruote motrici estremamente compatto con una configurazione del tetto flessibile. Il tetto in vetro può essere rimosso, lasciando scoperto il telaio strutturale in alluminio. Una berlina a quattro posti: forse la Volvo più corta di sempre, con sporgenze anteriori e posteriori estremamente corte. Potrebbe essere un design a tre o cinque porte. La robusta sezione della spalla enfatizza la moderna eredità Volvo combinata con splendide linee da coupé. Queste concept car erano studi di progettazione in anteprima per le auto di produzione Volvo di prossima generazione, Volvo XC60 e Volvo C30. Designer : Peter Horbury (2003)
  12. Here are some of official Renault design sketches that never been released before 1. Renault Clio III 2. Renault Megane II 3 & 4. Renault Modus Designer : Patrick Le Quement (Circa 2000-2003)
  13. Back in 2002, Sports Utility Vehicles (SUVs) were rising in popularity. Despite this, there were still considerable barriers to SUV ownership for many hatchback and saloon buyers, who were traditionally quite conservative in their car choice. Nissan customer clinics had highlighted that SUVs were considered too large for around-town manoeuvrability and general everyday usability, plus people didn’t like the poor fuel efficiency and lacklustre interior quality. What followed was a period of research, focused primarily on assessing the viability of creating a vehicle that would be a baby brother to the popular X-Trail – something with the desirability, practicality and versatility of an SUV but with the size, driving dynamics and running costs of a family hatchback. For the production model, the selected exterior came from Nissan’s Global Design Centre in Japan, while the interior was penned by Nissan Design America. Given the Qashqai was initially to be a car for European customers only, both elements were then transferred to NDE for further refinement, to make the designs to perfectly fit the needs of European customers. At the 2006 Paris Motor Show, the world’s first urban crossover production car, Nissan Qashqai made its debut. Today the Qashqai is the perfect expression of an innovation born out of necessity that Nissan was producing mainstream saloons and hatchbacks which were not winning the hearts and minds of consumers. Designers: Darryl Scriven, Masaki Aikawa, Patrick Reimer (2003)
  14. When the Renault-Nissan Alliance was formed in 1999, Nissan's new COO, Carlos Ghosn, tasked the company with transforming its product portfolio in Europe. The C-segment Almera, a slow seller in Europe, became his primary focus. By December 2002, Nissan concluded that the planned C-segment model would not be as profitable and competitive as required. The development team eventually proposed the idea of a "mini-Murano" type of vehicle smaller than the X-Trail that would be positioned to compete with C-segment hatchbacks and sedans. Development focused on creating a European-oriented vehicle with the desirability, practicality and versatility of an SUV but with the size, driving dynamics and running costs of a family hatchback. While the engineering work was carried out by the Nissan European Technical Centre (NTCE), a design proposal was put forward by Nissan Design Europe (NDE), which became the 2004 Qashqai concept. During final development, Nissan decided that the Qashqai would serve as a replacement for both the Almera in the C-segment and the Primera in the D-segment. The car was unveiled as a concept at the Geneva Motor Show on 2 March 2004. It was called the Qashqai, a word derived from the name of an Iranian tribe and linked to the car's positioning as an "urban nomad". It was met with skepticism, with the motoring media reluctant to accept that there was a market for Nissan's strange new hybrid SUV/hatchback. However, Nissan remained confident that the Qashqai was the right product. The Qashqai went on sale in February 2007 and was a success with customers from the start. By the end of that year, more than 100,000 Qashqais had been sold in Europe. Designers: Darryl Scriven, Masaki Aikawa, Patrick Reimer (2003)
  15. Ciao @Dossi. Avete proposte di design e schizzi di design della Citroen C4 del 2004 di Auto & Design? Sarebbe davvero carino. Grazie mille
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