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Tutti i contenuti di Mefistofeles

  2. Abarth Topolino XDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDD Carlo is turning in his grave 🤣
  3. Alfa 159 Sedan is alive! 😍
  4. where PRESENTED in July Grande Pande in this advertisement ? FIAT WTF ?
  5. yes, EU with Hybrid, out of EU Hybrid and clear ICE.
  6. it's not fake, true leak
  7. license plates from a Continental from Hungary - they are probably checking ADAS and radars
  8. stop lights are different from normal lights on pictures from balocco we can see signatures from leaks additional photo from Tychy:
  9. first series production have been started
  10. one source confirmed the change of front, the other didn't
  11. apparently, the first prototypes rolled off the line 🫡
  12. Milano in next week 🤣
  13. rear is really ok, front is terrible due to lights from Citroen...
  14. it's starting to look dramatic, especially since the front "cup" looks like an overlay from Aliexpress, it's totally inconsistent with each other
  15. yes, KID was project name, but presented in factory, dealers etc, so only was a "cryptoname"
  16. wtf, what it is on front bumper?! oh no, it's JUKE XD
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