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  • Marca e Modello Auto
    MINI Cooper S anno 2014, Alfa Mito anno 2009

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  1. I don't know if he named the Gran Caravan or that was editor fantasy. More likely secondo me: They finally make a ProMaster bus version and bring the next medium van over the pond.
  2. Let's do the math: Known dates are Q2/2025 Compass presentation, 2026 Compass hybrid deliveries and US launch, 2027 Tonale presentation, maybe SOP late 2026. Likely Tonale II launch: Presentation early 2027, customer Elettrica deliveries fall 2027, Ibrida early 2028. We know they need 6–9 months to ramp up. Tonale MCA mid 2025 would give the Ibrida 3 years on the market until the new generation picks up. Totally fine if we pretend Alfa Romeo was a normal car brand without breaks between models. 😉 And Mito got a facelift 2 years before production stop, 3008 got the hybrid only 1 year before the new generation. The Tonale PHEV is behind competition and is the last to use the 1.3 AFAIK. No rumours about a Hornet successor so far.
  3. Black would be my last choice for the Junior. I love the rear in other colors. The light/spoiler strip needs some contrast. Of course the base wheels are super ugly. Comparing the two photos there's quite some camera distortion by angle and maybe focal length. Junior appears more narrow while it isn't in reality.
  4. The Fori are fine in real life, the Aero might be okay too. The Turbina is simply ugly, Petali way too comic. Despite aerodynamics they could do better. I hope the INTENSA series doesn't use Petali. And I don't think every Alfa wheel has to come in phone dial style. Good thing: the choice for aftermarket is huge thanks to Peugeot, Opel and Citroen.
  5. Isn't the latest version (with chain) the EB2 v3? Stellantis estende la garanzia per i consumatori europei sui motori PureTech 1.0 e 1.2 Questa garanzia di rimborso complementare coprirà le spese per gli interventi stipulati tra il 1° gennaio 2022 e il 18 marzo 2024 https://www.***filtro automatico***/523872-stellantis-estende-la-garanzia-per-i-consumatori-europei-sui-motori-puretech-1-0-e-1-2
  6. Keep in mind that such an exhibition car might have been touched more than a private car in a lifetime.
  7. I doubt they'd announce that as a highlight of the year.
  8. At best some pre-premiere. But the German press release for 2025 indicates a premiere between fall and late 2025. So the real market introduction could be in 2026. Technical Tonale update this summer.
  9. The Junior might get a third electric version. The battery info database lists different versions with same capacity but different output: 136 kW > Elettrica 156, 150 km/h 155 kW > Unknown. Derived from the others maybe 190 PS, 170 km/h? 235 kW > Elettrica 280 Veloce, 200 km/h 83_965_TONALE_000.00.000_EN_02_08.24_CO_BP.pdf
  10. Is it really so bad in Italy? As D segment vehicles mostly get leased by company fleets instead of private buyers, the electro rate should be much higher than in B or C segments, in Europe. In North America, I tend to think that Alfa's sales are mostly around metropolitan areas at the coasts where electro sales are also much higher than the overall sales including mid-west indicates.
  11. If these minimal benefits were true and final, the whole hybrid expense would be useless, a waste of money and resources.
  12. Too bad they punched PANDA into the Grande Panda doors. Now that the small Panda has a future they should switch the name to Uno, last minute. 😆
  13. Did those Tonale wheels exist before, without the gold?
  14. Was the price announced officially?
  15. Mixed feelings here. Why is it so much rounder than the original? I don't like the hollow (dead fish eye) lights and the bulbous rear window thing. Too bad many cars now have a fixed glas roof. The roll roof added to the original's charm and all generations had it. Interior looks alright.
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