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Risposte pubblicato da pumadog

  1. Vor 12 Stunden schrieb tipt:

    Letzten Sonntag in Turin gesehen, die Live-Schnaule kann leicht neu bewertet werden ... aber Sie suchen und das Heck mit den total hervorstehenden Scheinwerfern ... Sie können darauf zu Mittag essen

    This the Junior thread, not Ypsilon. 🙃

  2. If they stop selling ICE/MHEV Alfas in 2027, they also stop the current Tonale. Simple as that. What also plays a role: The Dodge Hornet isn't a big success. Only question is if Alfa will have one or two compact models on STLA medium.

  3. Vor 17 Stunden schreibt Zyx:

    nach der Streichung des Namens Puretech aus den Listen und dieser Ersparnis bei der Sicherheit der eigenen Modelle schlage ich eine Umbenennung der Gruppe in Tirchiantis vor 😅


    jetzt ist allen klar, dass trotz der Stichlisten die Qualität der Modelle der Gruppe immer mehr sinkt .... schade 🤦‍♂️

    The Avenger is a FCA product developed on a PSA platform pre Stellantis birth. Not sure if it tells much about the future.

    • Mi Piace 1
    • Ahah! 1
  4. Well, Stelvio is planned to get presented in autumn 2025, Giulia in spring 2026. If they do slow production ramp-ups as usually and bring electric versions to the dealers first (like Junior) they still have almost 2 years for Stelvio ICE/HEV, 2.5 years for Giulia deliveries. If I remember right, Imparato said at the Junior interviews in April that they are lucky to have planned STLA large as multi-energy.

    • Mi Piace 2
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  5. I think it will leave many more markets once the Grande Panda is launched. At this stage it only really sells around the mediterranean sea where the small size is useful.

    • Grazie! 1
  6. The Manta project is going on, confirmed by Florian Huettl a few weeks ago.




    "The Manta project is making progress," says Huettl. "We are working on the project and sticking to it because we are convinced that what once worked very well is also relevant for people in the future: namely an emotional car with a history that touches. In the future, of course, purely electric." However, the new Manta will not necessarily be a coupe. "This car will not be a copy of the historical model. It will be a car for a wide target group. But I assure you that we are very respectful of our history."


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  7. I think the hidden rear handle would have been too high for small persons on the Tonale, the Junior is 10 cm lower.


    For me the Tonale is a classic, slightly conservative design. Really beautiful with the right options, but can be dull from some angles. For example the rear in grey with lights off is mediocre. Alfa designers playing it save. So they decided to go for a fresh approach with the Junior to get new, younger customers.

    • Mi Piace 4
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  8. I think the MHEV took long because they needed ramp up of the additional e-DCT production in Mirafiori, which started officially in April. The Junior launches more or less instantly with the Ibrida.

    • Mi Piace 1
  9. In Germany the Elettricas are already arriving at the dealers. You can find several with photos on And my local dealer offers an Ibrida Speciale for 28.000 €, with Tech option for 30.000 €. But those don't seem to be there yet. How is it in Italy?

    • Mi Piace 2
  10. Might be. But some points are not about sportiness:

    280 hp PHEV: "Doesn't feel like 280 hp at all". And now others have electric ranges up to 100 km. The Tonale has 60–70 km, the 3008 (195 hp) has around 85 km

    130/160 hp MHEV: The DCT/engine interaction is rough with hiccups.


    I don't know if the comments are excessive. But when the Tonale is the last surviving vehicle on Small Wide and GSE, it might be advantageous to switch engines for the remaining three years? If they stick to the claim "only BEV from 2027".

  11. Vor 1 Stunde schreibt Nucarote:

    Tonale sollte mit ehemaligen FCA-Motoren sterben.

    I think it would benefit from new engines. The EB3 hybrid eDCT is rated much better by journalists than the 130 hp DCT combination in the Tonale, the new 1.6 PHEV in the 3008 offers much bigger electric range. The powertrains are regarded as the weak spot of Tonale in many reports I saw. And all models that share the 1.3/1.5 GSE powertrains will be gone next year, I think?

    • Grazie! 1
  12. So the plugin with eDCT is a new engine, right? The previous generation had an AT. Is it an EP (Prince) revolution or an EB 4-cylinder? A "new" 1.6 engine produced in Hungary and the US?

    • Perplesso... 1
  13. Riportiamo di seguito la nota che Stellantis ha mandato alla stampa internazionale:

    Stellantis non ha intenzione di vendere il marchio del Tridente, così come non ha intenzione di aggregare Maserati ad altri gruppi italiani del lusso. 


    Stellantis ribadisce l'impegno incondizionato per il brillante futuro di Maserati come unico marchio di lusso dei 14 marchi Stellantis. Maserati è in una fase di transizione verso l'elettrificazione con il programma Folgore BEV: oggi il Tridente offre GranTurismo e GranCabrio in versione ICE e BEV, Grecale in versione ICE, mild hybrid e BEV, mentre confermiamo che sono in preparazione anche i successori di Quattroporte e Levante.

    Le dichiarazioni rilasciate a questo proposito non trovano alcun tipo di corrispondenza nel contesto della strategia di Maserati all'interno del piano strategico a lungo termine “Dare Forward 2030” di Stellantis.


    La missione di Maserati è scrivere il futuro della mobilità attraverso le migliori prestazioni nel segmento del lusso, concentrandosi sui desideri dei propri clienti. Per raggiungere i suoi obiettivi, il marchio si rivolge a un pubblico altamente specifico. Per questo motivo Maserati sta mettendo in atto una serie di iniziative per espandere la propria presenza sul mercato globale, rafforzare l'immagine del marchio e sottolineare l'unicità dei suoi prodotti. Maserati sta affrontando una sfida importante e deve rimanere concentrata sui suoi obiettivi nei prossimi mesi.


    Stellantis ribadisce il proprio impegno nei confronti di tutto il suo ampio portafoglio di 14 marchi iconici e ricorda che ognuno di essi ha un orizzonte di 10 anni per costruire un business redditizio e sostenibile, pur riconoscendo che la volatilità del mercato e le situazioni temporanee possono causare fluttuazioni.

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