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  1. Read more:
  2. Insider: Alfa Romeo 4C gets 240PS / 270PS, Racing, Stradale & Roadster Variants Confirmed - Carscoop They've got the production numbers wrong (2,000 instead 2,500 annually) and the part about the engine being from Giulietta but other than that sounds legit.
  3. Ferrari to Help Alfa Romeo Prepare for Return to U.S. - Driver's Seat - WSJ
  4. Up until now I haven't seen an article where Marchionne made an official conformation on 169 and SUV other than to say they are being considered. On other hand there have been quite a lot of articles where he officially confirmed they are continuously working on Gulia and reincarnation of the Spider. I am not saying that 169 and SUV are not being developed at the moment, I do not have any more information than you guys here have, but most of Marchionne's statements indicate that 4C, Gulia and Spider are priorities. Counting also 4C spider and Sportwagon version of Gulia that makes 5 cars out of 9 that are considered up to 2016 so hopes are high. But just as Giulietta SW was confirmed a year ago and then dropped, similar can happen to other projects IMO. Considering that both SUV and 169 will be based on already existing cars that makes them more probable.
  5. Ufficialmente "169" e suv progetto non esiste, mentre la Gulia e spider sono stati confermati essere in fase di sviluppo.
  6. Read more:
  7. 1.4 Turbo Multiair 170 CV 218 Km/h 7,8 s 0-100 km/h 1750 TBi 235 CV 242 Km/h 6,8 s 0-100 km/h 1.6 JTDm 2 105 CV 185 Km/h 11,3 s 0-100 km/h 2.0 JTDm 2 170 CV 218 Km/h 8 s 0-100 km/h 1.4 TB 120 CV Progression: €20.500 Distinctive: €22.200 1.4 Turbo Multiair 170 CV Progression: €22.200 Distinctive: €23.900 1750 TBi 235 CV Quadrifoglio Verde: €29.200 1.6 JTDm 2 105 CV Progression: €22.500 Distinctive: €24.200 2.0 JTDm 2 170 CV Progression: €25.900 Distinctive: €27.600
  8. Not so nice??!! It is UNBELIEBAVLY UGLY!!!
  9. Alfa Romeo MiTo Veloce: 'Light' GTA with 180HP to be Unveiled at AutoRAI - Carscoop
  10. Per quanto riguarda Brezza?
  11. Con quale trasmissione?
  12. C'è qualche informazione in che misura è il sviluppo di motori FPT?
  13. Sarà 1.8 TBi disponibile con Q4?
  14. SPD Milano e Alfa Romeo immaginano l’ammiraglia Alfa del futuro | Virtual Car
  15. Ha Fiat 5oo Abarth VGT?
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