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Tutti i contenuti di 1happydream

  1. @Cosimo: la mia era un'analisi della vettura in se', non dei costi.Anche perche' questi ultimi non sono DETERMINANTI nella scelta di questo target di auto (altrimenti la Grand Cherokee sarebbe davanti a Cayenne e RangeSport nelle vendite). 1happydream
  2. Se posso , vi lascio la mia opinione (avendoli provati quasi tutti). Quasi tutti i SUV di successo hanno una linea PERSONALE e caratterizzata (RangeSport, Cayenne, ML), mentre quelli meno apprezzati (Touareg, Q7) ,pur essendo moderni e validi, sono un po' anonimi. Jeep Grand Cherokee fa parte del 1° gruppo, ed ora , con questo motore e degli interni rinnovati, va giustamente preso in considerazione. Pero' ha 2 limiti: -Concorrenti sempre agguerriti (es. nuova ML) e con un "blasone" maggiore -Visibilita' stile "blindato" (anteriormente non si apprezza la visone ampia di altre Suv). Plancia alta e tetto basso concorrono ad un effetto simil coupè.... 1happydream
  3. Ecco il link diretto alle pagine di AutoBild. Bilder aus AUTO BILD 7/2011 - Bilder - AUTO BILD – das neue Heft, alle Themen - Mercedes CLC: Vorschau - Questo filone delle Coupè 4 porte NON eccessivamente lunghe e motorizzate (downsizing) è molto interessante e spazia dalla Passat CC fino alla futura X760 Jag (XType). 1happydream PS @ Touareg: forse si potrebbe aprire/riaprire il topic CLC, visto che siamo ormai piu' lontani dal prototipo puro F800 e ci stiamo avvicinando a linee piu' realistiche
  4. Qualche news aggiornata dopo 1 anno: Mercedes CLC: a volte ritornano | alVolante A me piace tantissimo l'idea di trasportare il layout CLS (simil coupè) su scala ridotta. Che ne pensate della data ipotizzata (2013)? 1happydream
  5. Nelle previsioni la 5p coprira' piu' del 70% delle vendite ( e poi costa anche meno...). 1happydream PS Agli esperti di AP: concordate un meno 2500/3000 euro per la 4x2?
  6. Va beh.....nulla di interessante. Martedi' la vedro' a Milano in anteprima(x me). 1happydream PS Certo che fino a che non si avranno in mano le dotazioni di serie, sara' difficile valutare il prezzo (e gli eventuali sconti...ultimamente in MB mi hanno proposto,su auto km 0, il 10% + 3% per possessore PI con piu' di 3 dipendenti)
  7. Qualche furba riga di anteprima test UK: Range Rover Evoque - exclusive test - That Land Rover has taken ownership of a BMW X1 as a competitor product is to be expected. Less so are the other cars that have been in and out of Gaydon during Land Rover's development of the Evoque: the Mini and Audi TT. That'll tell you a lot of what you need to know about the Evoque, in which this week we joined Jaguar-Land Rover's chief engineer, Mike Cross, for a drive around Wales. See the exclusive pics from the Range Rover Evoque development test Our test Evoque was built in May last year and spent the early part of its life disguised in full Tony-the-Tiger livery, so it looks a little scruffy around the edges. Nonetheless, the car pictured is a validation prototype, which means that the mechanicals are in their latest iteration. Although some of the finish isn't perfect, you can tell that it'll look good. It's all very simple and clear, with a steeply raked centre console and a rotary dial to control the six-speed gearbox. It feels more like a saloon than it does a traditional Land Rover. The seating position is a kind of hybrid between the two: more upright than a sports saloon, but more reclined than a Freelander's. That feeling is increased by the lower roof, too. Read the full story on the new Range Rover Evqoue Which brings us to challenge number one: making the smallest Land Rover product share the characteristics of its biggest one. "We want the Evoque to feel agile and fun," says Cross, "yet it also has to be refined, with Range Rover levels of sophistication." Nonetheless, this Range Rover is, ultimately, still a Land Rover product and has to perform off-road. That presents its own challenges, too. "With a tall car the challenge is getting good roll control with an appropriate level of comfort for a Range Rover. The physics of a tall car are against you," says Cross. As the roads we're touring start to feel like proper Welsh roads, the balance between those things feels pretty good from where I'm sitting. Read more on the five-door Evoque Cross drives smoothly yet briskly, with measured steering inputs. The Evoque gets electric power steering, which comes with benefits and drawbacks. "EPAS is good," says Cross. "It's a challenge to give it road feel, but it allows for greater tuning." Any remaining tweaking between now and the Evoque's summer launch is mostly software-related. "[Dynamically] it's 95 per cent to where we want it to be," says Cross. "I'd like the transmission to be a bit more responsive, without being harsh. And I'd nip up the dampers a bit, if we can do it without losing the refinement and the isolation. How does it feel to you, Matt?" See the exclusive pics from the Range Rover Evoque development test As we crest another brow, brake for another bend and I wait for cabin thumps that don't arrive and roll that doesn't exist, I explain that I can't think you'd want much changed. From this side of the cabin, at least, the Evoque does a pretty good impression of a tall sports saloon rather than a low sport utility vehicle. And I suspect that's no bad place to be at all. The full development drive story will be in the next issue of Autocar, on sale and available to download from Autocar digital edition 23 February. Matt Prior 1happydream
  8. Ok, il mio riferimento , piu' che ai piani Jag, era alla X760. Che ne pensate delle ipotesi di progetto? Dimensioni, motorizzazioni, TP ? Che cambio avra'? Si parlava di aut. 8 marce..... 1happydream
  9. L'escalation della lunghezza delle auto non si ferma piu': nell'articolo si ritengono "corretti" i 4,80 m della X760, in quanto anche la nuova Bmw 3 avra' in futuro queste dimensioni (oggi sono le dimensioni della 5). Dovremo adeguarci? 1happydream
  10. Nuove indiscrezioni sul progetto X760, con varie declinazioni (anche SUV.....). La nuova berlina sara' PREMIUM, £40.000 (attuali), 4.80 m, trazione post., e vedra' la luce nel 2014. A seguire anche l'analisi dei progetti per i futuri 12 anni (!). Jag's 3-series rival uncovered - Jaguar plans to launch an upmarket 3-series saloon rival and a radical, sporty 4x4 crossover by the middle of this decade. The two new £40k models, being planned under project codename X760, will join with the new XE sports car to help lift Jaguar’s sales volume closer to 100,000 units per year, the company’s medium-term strategic goal. Jaguar had a good year in 2010, boosting sales by a couple of thousand units to around 52,000. But the number is comparatively tiny and strong growth is vital to ensure future profits and satisfy owner Tata, which is investing heavily in Jaguar Land Rover. See Autocar's renderings of Jaguar's small saloon and crossover Porsche, whose success has to some extent guided Jaguar’s strategic target, added around 20,000 units last year and is already heading back to over 100,000 units, its peak in 2007. Success in China and the US will dictate whether Jag can hit its target, which is partly why it will break out of its brand straitjacket to launch a soft-roader in late 2014. Sports saloon in 2014 Jaguar has been considering a return to the vital ‘executive saloon’ segment with a premium-priced, high-quality, front-engined, rear-drive small car for well over 18 months. Since being first proposed as a new entry-level Jag, project X760 has evolved from a radical hatch into a family of two cars — saloon and soft-roader — that could hike Jag’s volume by up to 40,000 units a year. Jaguar came to the conclusion that the five-door hatch couldn’t guarantee sufficient sales and experienced new management, in the form of new boss Carl-Peter Forster, Ralf Speth and Adrian Hallmark, has crystallised the plan for a more conventional four-door, three-box design. “Saloons are where the meat in the market is,” one insider told Autocar. Jaguar: the next 12 years Just like the mooted five-door hatch, the X760 saloon won’t be cheap. Its entry point will be around £40k at today’s prices, but it will be high in quality, handsome looking, fine driving and more frugal than any previous Jag. That’s largely thanks to its new aluminium monocoque, known internally as the RD7 platform. RD7 is the next-generation pressed-alloy, riveted monocoque platform, freshly engineered for the next Range Rover and Range Rover Sport, and also known as the Premium Lightweight Architecture (PLA). The smaller saloon will have its own version of the platform structure and upper body, but the manufacturing and basic design methods will be common. The shared parts will include electrical modules, axles and air-con units. RD7 will eventually underpin the replacement for the XF (due around 2015) and XJ (2018). Much of the thinking for this was done by senior engineer Mick Mohan, now boss of JCB, whose job was to streamline JLR’s complex platform set-up. See Autocar's renderings of Jaguar small saloon and crossover Although the X760 saloon will be Jaguar’s ‘entry-level’ car, it won’t be especially small. Its dimensions will be nudging 4.8m — the size of the just-replaced BMW 5-series. But by the same time, of course, its main competitor — the new F11 BMW 3-series — will have grown to a comparable size. However, the Jag’s alloy bodyshell should ensure a kerb weight of around 1300kg, at least 100kg lighter than the main competition. Powertrains for the X760 will be a departure for Jaguar, majoring on four-cylinder petrols and diesels to reduce fuel consumption and CO2. By the time that the X760 is on sale, Jag’s fleet average CO2 output will have to be nudging towards 140g/km and the EU is already talking about a further 40g/km-plus reduction by 2020 or earlier. For Europe, the main engine will be a version of the 2.2-litre diesel developed for the Range Rover Evoque. With outputs spanning 150bhp to over 200bhp, it should offer refinement, performance and economy. Jaguar is understood to be ‘package protecting’ the engine bay of the X760 to accommodate a V6 diesel, but it has yet to give this variant internal approval. In petrol engine markets the core engines will be variants of the 1.6 and 2.0-litre Ford Ecoboost soft turbos, again with power ranging from 150bhp to over 200bhp. To get low CO2 figures, Jag will have to offer the X760 with a manual transmission and stop-start, but an automatic will also be essential. Engineers are understood to be evaluating both the ZF eight-speeder, also now available with stop-start, and Getrag’s dual-clutch transmission, badged ‘Powershift’ by Ford. Style-led crossover This is the real departure for Jaguar, but the reality is that it cannot ignore the growing soft-roader market. Audi, for example, cannot make enough Q5s to satisfy demand of over 150,000 cars a year globally, and Volvo has had a smash hit with the XC60, now selling around 75,000 a year. Enthusiasm for the soft-roader is very high from Jaguar’s division in the US, where the model is seen as vital to boost sales in the north-eastern snow belt. This ought to be Jaguar’s sales homeland, but two-wheel-drive luxury saloons are being undermined there by the growing popularity of luxury crossovers. As a result, Jaguar is looking to sister company Range Rover for the running gear of the X760 crossover. Based on the PLA alloy underbody, the X760 has space for a front diff and ‘quill’ shaft to provide drive to the front wheels. Jaguar: the next 12 years Because the PLA is being developed from the ground up, Autocar understands that the new running gear — such as the power take-off from the ZF auto gearbox and the centre diff — is packaged more efficiently to keep the overall height of the Jaguar 4x4 low. To keep sufficient marketing space between the Range Rover and Range Rover Sport, Jaguar is creating a style-focused 4x4. One source compares the new model to the Infiniti FX. Space will open up in the JLR range for the X760 because the next-gen Range Rover Sport will come with a five-plus-two seating arrangement as standard for the first time. So the X760 will be expected to appeal to some of the Range Rover Sport’s buyers, particularly urban drivers looking for a less overt but still-stylish 4x4 with lots of British luxury. As a result, the new Jag 4x4 will have a compact, four-seat cabin set well back to give it a sporty, long-bonnet proportion to the styling. The ground clearance will be higher than a conventional saloon’s but not as lofty as a Range Rover’s, and the seating position will be more relaxed, with a sports saloon feel rather than an upright set-up used for maximum off-road visibility. The cockpit will cocoon the driver more like a coupé’s than a utility vehicle’s. Similarly, the four-wheel drive system will be focused on road ability and safe, secure handling in wet and snowy conditions. The cabin will aim to bring the style of the XF’s and XJ’s to the crossover market, giving the X760 a strong identity. Powertrains will be drawn from the X760 component set, which means the 2.2-litre turbodiesel and Ecoboost soft-turbo 1.6 and 2.0 petrols. Julian Rendell 1happydream
  11. Sicuramente la Volvo cerchera' di correggere il tiro, dopo il flop della prima C30. Ma sara' difficile riconquistare il "grande pubblico" : costano TROPPO rispetto a quello che offrono, e nei confronti della concorrenza (e questo la dirigenza lo sa, e ha gia' pubblicamente ammesso di voler scendere dal gradino "PREMIUM", gradino per altro mai raggiunto). L' unico appeal è quello dei dispositivi di sicurezza, ma anche in questo campo le differenze con le altre case si stanno assottigliando. La 480 di vent'anni fa era piu' personale, originale e piacevole dell'attuale C30. 1happydream PS La tanto criticata (DA QUALCUNO) Suvvizzazione colpira' anche la Volvo C30.
  12. Tanto è bella, elegante e moderna (fuori) la E Coupè, quanto questa C Coupè è vecchia...anni 80....sia fuori che dentro (RIGIDA/PLASTICOSA/FREDDA). Manca dei concetti base di una coupè: sinuosita', appeal, sportivita' ed esclusivita'. 1happydream PS Capisco che grazie al marchio vendera' bene, ma bisogna stare attenti perche' la concorrenza è cresciuta.
  13. Quoto "riparata" esteticamente , ma in confronto alle nuove concorrenti sente il peso degli anni (c..o basso !). 1happydream
  14. Eh eh no , io mi riferisco solo al comportamento stradale . So bene quanto sia assurdo il LAYOUT di un Suv rispetto alla rispettiva berlina/Sw (serie 3). Ma TUTTE le case si stanno buttando su questo segmento.... 1happydream
  15. Ringrazio Cosimo e Calatrava per la loro gentilezza e competenza. Io stesso oggi ho provato la 2.2 150 Cv manuale. Premetto che avevo appena testato la X3 nuova 2.0 D automatica. Parlando solo del motore (sul resto la X3 è decisamente superiore...), ho trovato gli stessi pregi-difetti: -Buone prestazioni, soprattutto la coppia del Freelander è notevole (sulla X3 il cambio automatico "filtra" un po' il giudizio) -RUMOROSI entrambi , anche se solo in accelerazione. Speriamo che sulla Evoque abbiano curato i materiali fonoassorbenti...... 1happydream
  16. Qualcuno puo' essere piu' preciso su data presentazione e ipotetica commercializzazione? Grazie, 1happydream
  17. Citroën - Picture Gallery - Nuove foto spy. 1happydream
  18. D'accordissimo con purtroppo non siamo noi che decidiamo. Ora torniamo a parlare di Evoque. Qualcuno ha provato il motore/cambio 2.2 150 cv sulla Freelander? Impressioni? Sulla Evoque ci saranno differenze? Grazie, 1happydream
  19. Intendo evoluzione commerciale (cioe' quello che molte case proporranno in futuro...anche secondo 4R), non tecnica. 1happydream
  20. Lo so posizione è fondamentale. Io riferisco quella che sara' l'evoluzione. 1happydream
  21. In futuro con la diffusione dei fari allo Xeno/Led e i vari miglioramenti ai gruppi ottici normali, i fendinebbia verranno abbandonati a favore delle Day Lights. 1happydream PS Fra qualche giorno andro' a provare il 2.2 da 150 CV della Freelander, vorrei valutare bene il rumore e il cambio. Teoricamente sono 2 elementi che si ritroveranno inalterati sulla Evoque (materiali fonoassorbenti a parte)
  22. La Countryman con i suoi prezzi ha aperto la strada (se mai ce ne fosse bisogno...) ai Suv premium . Se anche la Evoque avra' lo stesso successo, a discapito di prezzi alti (ma allineati alla concorrenza tedesca), Ratan Tata avra' fatto quello che gli anglo americani non sono stati capaci di fare. 1happydream PS Io al buio NON la prenoto.....aspetto Marzo!
  23. TUTTI dicono e scrivono che le Suv/Sav siano assurde (ed è verissimo). Eppure le Case stanno facendo l'impossibile per sfornare modelli che occupino qualsiasi nicchia di mercato. Questo moltiplica i detrattori di queste autovetture (che le vedono spuntare come funghi...) e "soddisfa" i possibili acquirenti che trovano sempre piu' il modello su misura. Chissa' se e quando la moda finira'....... 1happydream
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