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Tutti i contenuti di paddy

  1. Probabilmente sarà un concetto del nuova Alfa Romeo Spider, simile al Italdesign Croma 8V. Forse un 8C Spider?! Ps: Qualcuno conosce quanti modelli di Kamal sono stati fatti, includendo nel formato ridotto?
  2. Dsign's sketch is a good representation of the front end, I think. The lights might be slightly bigger though, and the grille may even come down lower. Can you post the other images that were used as a source of inspiration? The ones from the Wolfgang Egger book? Paddy
  3. Interessare. La cosa spaventosa è, che il 1-series ha del proporzioni quasi identico!
  4. I think the front end will look very similar to this sketch!!! Not sure about the side though. Did you base the front end on this drawing?
  5. Fulvia was not used as a base, or as inspiration...
  6. Not necessarily. It depends on the materials that are used, and the way in which the materials are used. The MF1 will be very interesting in this respect, as it does not use carbon-fibre as the main material. Don't forget that the car has been engineerd by a Formula 1 engineer (who is still active), who has many years of experience in making light weight cars. The car is also VERY aerodynamic (based on teardrop principles), so will not be blown around when travelling at 400+ km/h. The Enzo only weighs 1365kg (1255kg dry weight). A lot of thought has really gone into the design of the car, how to make it as light weight as possible, without harming the stability. The car has a very low centre of gravity, and good downforce. Regarding the luxury part - the car will be particularly comfortable, as the interior has been designed with human biomechanics as a major factor.
  7. Sorry, I should have said that the car will have approximately 1,000 hp/ton, with 1000 - 1200 bhp. So we might see anything in this range: 1000 bhp 1000 kg 1200 bhp 1000 kg 1200 bhp 1200 kg Note that this is only for the non-armoured version. Engine power is not yet decided - it depends on many factors that are still being tested.
  8. pesante = heavy? Il Project 1221 MF1 peserà soltanto 1000 kg, con 1000-1200 cv.
  9. Posso citare il autopareri sugli articoli futuri se desiderate. Nessun problema. A volte, è una combinazione di molte fonte differenti.
  10. Zagato è coinvolto nello sviluppo del Alfa 940, o Stola??
  11. Sorry, I mean Coupé.
  12. Autodelta came across a 946 Spider prototype during the European Tour See two pics here:
  13. Is the 4.2 (4.3??) Maserati V8 still under consideration for the "Progetto 940" GTA?
  14. The recently spotted Alfa Spider prototype, has the text S.E 2.4 written on the windscreen. Will the 2.4 Diesel be offered in the Spider afterall? And if so, what are the chances of seeing the 3.0 VM Diesel as an option?
  17. You may like to see the preview film on
  18. Looks very close to the press pics I have seen of the 159 - I wouldn't call them photoshops..... Man, this car is hot!!!
  19. paddy

    Nuova Stratos!!!
  20. Così, che cosa sarà la gamma completa del motore? DIESEL VM V8 4.0 Mutiair VM V6 3.0 Multiair? ------------ BENZINA MASERATI V8 5 litri 470 bhp? MASERATI V8 4.3 litri 400 bhp o Alfa Romeo 3.2 GTA Biturbo motore con 405 bhp? HF V6 3.2 con 260 bhp?
  21. Forse vedremo una versione di Alfa Romeo del nuova Coupé di Maserati, con un motore no più grande di 4000cc?? Forse sotto forma di Villa D'Este? I 941 saranno usato come base per il nuovo Maserati QP? Alfa utilizzerà i motori di Maserati V8 per l'altro Alfa?
  22. EDIT: The same document also mentions 380 bhp for the GTA, but I presume this is an old figure for an engine without uniair. Do you know where AR could have got this number from?! The sheet it is listed on also mentions 190bhp for the 2.2 - also incorrect!
  23. 550Nm - VM claim this too, and it is correct. 450Nm is what was claimed on the official info I based my post on - AR made a mistake. 3.2 Biturbo - you are correct, my data was simplified. 405 bhp and 680Nm is correct. You are probably correct on the other small details, as the numbers on the document I have are rounded off.
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