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Risposte pubblicato da paddy

  1. yes i know...this is the connectable 4wd....a revolution cause is the first 4wd scheme with transaxle gearbox...the f139 will be rwd but that doesn't exclude a future use of this system by the GT Ferrari like F139 and 612 scaglietti as well as maserati and future alfa models...

    Can you tell me anything else about the 4x4 system, like how far the development is, and whether it has been tested yet? It is a very interesting technical topic! When are we likely to see the system available?

  2. I sat in a few Grande Punto's on Wednesday. My main criticism on the car must be on the plastics that are used for the interior. They are far too hard and industrial looking - in particular the door covers. Apart from that, the car looks and gives off a sense of physical strength (especially around the A-post). It looks bigger in the pictures though.

  3. cosi' era previsto ed infatti ci sono 2 vettura backstage in Francoforte una Spider ed una Sportwagon ma hanno deciso all'ultimo di non presentarle al pubblico per non spostare l'interesse dai modelli prossimi al alncio Punto 159 e Brera...per questo hanno posticipato anche il lancio di Sedici e Panda Monster...per concentrarsi su Punto nello stand Fiat....Bologna sara' l'ora di 16 Panda Monster 159 Sportwagon e momento che tutte e tre sia Punto che 159 che Brera saranno gia' lanciate...

    The cars were not backstage.

  4. That 1750 prototype is owned by Corrado Lopresto if I am not mistaken. I saw him a few years ago at the Concours D'Elegance at SpaItalia, where I also had a car on display. He had his 1947 Alfa Romeo 6C 2500 Extra Lusso Stabilimenti Farina with him, and he won the event (Best of Show)!


    This year he won the event as well, with his magnificent 1951 6C 2500 Cabriolet "Villa d'Este". He is a nice guy, very friendly.

    Infact he also won the event in 2003 with his Golden Alfa Romeo Giulietta Spider Bertone, but I didn't attend SpaItalia that year.


  5. OK. From a marketing point of view, I think that either a larger capacity V6, or a forced induction (supercharger) 3.2 V6 would be the way to go. I can not imagine a four-cylinder turbo being popular. For progetto 940 it might be interesting however.

    Although maybe not the most cost efficient option, it might even be interesting to offer a detuned Maserati V8?* I suppose it depends on the type of character you want the car to have - a 2.2 Turbo would be fierce, whereas a understressed V8 would be refined yet effortless. I think the latter suits the 159 better?

    OT: In a perfect world, Alfa should also offer a competitor to BMW's new Twin Turbo 535 Diesel.

    *Maybe the original 370 bhp 3217cc V8 engine can be of use?

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