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  1. LOTUS AIMS HIGH WITH ESPRIT FOR 2006 Lotus is working at top speed to design and develop a secret new £75,000 supercar to replace the 25-year-old Esprit in two years’ time. The Norfolk-based manufacturer recently invited Autocar up to its headquarters; as well as allowing us lap their test track, as you can see in the video section, they revealed their plans for the next five years. Pictured above is an official Lotus drawing and above and in our gallery, enhanced by computer design, the new Esprit – a mid-engined two-door coupé with compact styling and dimensions, sophisticated aerodynamics, ultra-agile handling and a top speed close to 200mph – is being engineered to suit all the major car markets of the world. Lotus aims to offer markedly better performance and value for money than established opponents like the Porsche 911, Ferrari 360 and Lamborghini Gallardo. The two-seat supercar’s launch is probably being planned for Geneva 2006, because the original production Esprit made its debut there in 1975. Another new Hethel supercar will be launched about a year later, in 2007, to fill the price gap between the Elise and Esprit. The car is likely to be a two-plus-two front-engined coupé priced at around £50,000, quite different in mechanical layout to the others, but sharing a remarkable number of its chassis components and running gear with them. This new three-tier product line-up shows for the first time how Lotus plans to fulfil the forecast made last year by the company’s deputy chairman, Victor Kiam, to develop Hethel as a 10,000-a-year sports car manufacturing business. Versatile Vehicle Architecture (VVA) allows models as disparate as a front-engined four-seater and a mid-engined two-seater to share high-investment chassis parts, leading to a dramatic cut in development and manufacturing costs. The process is so flexible, say Lotus engineers, that it will eventually be adopted for all three Lotus models: the £25,000 transverse mid-engined roadster (the Elise replacement); a £50,000 front-engined two-plus-two coupé; and a £75,000, 200mph mid-engined 21st century Esprit. Two years from launch, the team was reluctant to go into too much detail about the new supercar. Autocar’s own deductions about the new mid-engined supercar and its future are that it will probably not use the Esprit name. The construction method will be so different and the level of design sophistication so much greater than the old car’s, that the two would have little in common. It will use a longitudinally mounted engine, probably a forced-induction V8, mounted behind the occupants’ heads, possibly supplied by Toyota. Lotus may, however, eventually build its own engine for the top two models, whose volume could reach 2000-3000 a year. The car’s 1300kg weight and 1900mm width targets will make it a very agile car. Lotus is already admitting its dimensions will probably allow a return to racing for the quickest versions. (Fonte: AutoCar)
  2. Lotus Esprit
  3. Meglio mai che tardi... direi io... La Esprit è la Esprit... Chiedo un minuto di silenzio per quest'auto davvero straordinaria. Anche lei ci lascierà, purtroppo... :cry: :cry: :cry: ciao ciao!
  4. FIAT Uno 2004
  5. FIAT Palio 2004: gli interni
  6. XJ-S

    FIAT in Brasile...

    FIAT Palio 2004
  7. Meglio tardi che mai...
  8. XJ-S

    Lotus Esprit...

    Lotus Esprit 2006...
  9. Qualche immagine della 780.
  10. Sarebbe un test interessante, che incrementerebbe l'aura di esclusività del prodotto Lancia, e potrebbe aprire la strada ad un ritorno sul mercato inglese con versioni RHD.
  11. Non posso che essere d'accordo. La XJ-S è, a mio parere, una delle auto più affascinanti di sempre. D'accordo anche in questo. L'acquisto di una XJ-S è relativamente economico, ma attenzione, i costi di gestione possono diventare proibitivi...
  12. Fatti realmente accaduti, faziosamente commentati dall'autore del libro. Trovo questo topic di cattivo gusto.
  13. Non capisco il senso di questo topic. Forse ti diverte calunniare Giovanni Agnelli?!
  14. XJ-S

    Lancia to make UK comeback...

    Lancia to make UK comeback Fiat UK is considering a limited relaunch of the Lancia brand in the UK. Though yet to be approved, the plan is to launch the new Ypsilon supermini in left-hand-drive form for sale in the south-east of England only. Bosses believe the car’s distinctive styling and classy finish will appeal to car buyers in London and the south-east, where specialist and niche models are especially successful, and left-hand-drive-only models – including Fiat’s own Barchetta – have proved popular. No prices have been indicated, but they could start between £8000 and £9000, with sales and service through Fiat dealers. If the initiative works it is conceivable that the Lancia Fulvia coupé could be imported in the same way, if that model gets the go-ahead. Lancia has no plans for right-hand drive cars. (Fonte: Autocar)
  15. Nella sezione “Auto fuori produzione” è adesso presente la storia della Jaguar XJ-S in forma di articolo, con l’aggiunta di altre informazioni e di una tabella riassuntiva delle varie versioni prodotte.
  16. Volvo 780
  17. XJ-S

    Rover 75 Facelift 2004

  18. XJ-S

    Rover 75 Facelift 2004

  19. Adesso va meglio! :wink:
  20. Sono modellini!! Foto vecchie di mesi.
  21. JAGUAR XJ-S Galleria fotografica: immagini ad alta risoluzione XJ-S #1 XJ-S #2 XJ-S #3 XJ-S (vista) XJ-S (spaccato) XJ-S (la plancia) XJ-S (gli interni) XJ-S USA XJ-S H.E. USA XJS British Racing Green XJ-S Convertible XJS Convertible XJR-S
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