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Risposte pubblicato da krycek07

  1. Quattroruote show some interesting stuff, but I do not know whether this sketches could be real. The article is like a novel with very few facts...


    Could be this project around 1995 after the Cinquecento?

    I feel some Giolito vibes about the sketches. The sketch with the side view is similar to FSM Beskid 106 protoype which was a milestone from born of cinquecento.

    Maybe there could be something with downtown - a 3 seater car. Furthermore there was the Italdesign Lucciola concept. Finally the ideas of Luciano Bove won with Seicento.

    Képernyőkép 2024-08-10 154943.png

    Képernyőkép 2024-08-10 154749.png

    Képernyőkép 2024-08-10 154811.png

    Képernyőkép 2024-08-10 154835.png

    Képernyőkép 2024-08-10 154852.png

    Képernyőkép 2024-08-10 154906.png

    Képernyőkép 2024-08-10 154925.png

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  2. Is printed brochure (or in pdf) available about 600e?

    I visited several official Fiat sites in EU countries and there are only price lists, and there are no catalogs.


    Will there be no more printed catalogs in the future? Only product descriptions will be available on fiat websites? 

  3. I saw this news in other topic but I have questons with other Fiat Models, so I bring here too

    "In a twist, Fiat could add gasoline engine option to 500e"

    According to the News the production of Fiat 500 (from Tychy) will be moved to Algeria. 500e may have ICE version. 
    Fiat Panda will get a refresh in summer, so it could fulfil the new rules (safety and Cyberprotection)


    So. What about the other models of Fiat? I guess 600e fulfil the new rules too.

    Will 500X and Tipo know the new rules or are they going to phased out in this summer in EU?

  4. Unfortunately I do not drive Fiat Idea, but I liked its plain style. From A&D 139 we can see the birth of the car. I think this was one of the well published stories with Bertone, Fiat C.S. and Italdesign proposals.

    Opel Meriva was absolute winner in this category with higher than 100k sales. Its best result was 200k in 2004. Beside this Idea was unfortunately unpopular.

    When I see the sales results Idea in Europe, Brazil, and the sales of Lancia Musa, it was surprising. Fiat Idea was desinged for European market. The planned sales volume would be among 100k and 120k and never reached it. Idea in Brazil and Lancia Muse finally reached better results. So Idea is one of the models (designed for Europeans), that was more popular in other country than in EU or Italy. Idea was heavily dependent fo Italian market.

    I do not know the price difference among Fiat Idea and Lancia Musa, but I belived that Musa had higher prices. As I read in this topic this was not alwas true


    The final results:

    Sales of Fiat Idea in EU circa 212k

    Sales of Fiat Musa in EU circa 238k

    Sales of Fiat Idea in BR circa 250k

    fiat idea chart 1.JPG

    fiat idea chart 2.JPG

  5. I started to think about design of 133 after the comments. secondo me there were 3 Fiat models, that resembles the spanish model. Fiat 127 from 1971, Fiat 126 from 1972 and Fiat 147 from 1976. As I know Fiat 133 was shown in 1974, so Fiat 147 was born later.


    The 127 was desinged by Pio Manzú. The first skeches showed a simplier exterior. The belt line was low, for this reason the luggage place was smaller. Fiat Uno has better solution but aesthetically the first 127 was prettier. The 127 had front engine.


    Fiat 126 was designed by Sergio Sartorelli and his team. I guess Pio Manzu did not have enough time to work on it because of his early tragic death. Fiat 126 was a „simple technical upgrade” of Fiat 500 with rear engine. (This sketch is from Paul Breuer)


    Fiat 147 was the Fiat first car in Brazil, which was fully designed to there. It had shown later than 133 and it had front engine.


    If I see all these four cars (127, 126, 147 and 133) 133 has original body with familiar light elements. As it was mentioned the car was „small on the outside, spacious on the inside”, and I agree that the thoughts of @LNA


    The sketches from Car Design Archives (CDA - facebook)

    fiat 127 sketch_01.jpg

    fiat 127 sketch_02.jpg

    1971 fiat_127_75.jpg

    fiat 126 Paul Breuer.jpg


    fiat 133_01.jpg

    fiat 133_02.jpg


    • Mi Piace 1
  6. I believed that here will be more information about 133. I started and I hope there will be some addition.


    There is a short article from MOT (Die Auto-Zeitschrift) 4/74 about a new spanish Fiat (or SEAT). According to the article Fiat C.S. was involved the design of the car.

    The test prototypes were different from the original versions. It has round front lights and not angular.


    I always believed, that 133 was an "unofficial" Fiat and Seat made it. The technical content from the 850, the lights from other Fiats (Okay I know that the rear lights were different for the 126. 133 has 50%-50% ratio turn signal and break signal). Maybe I was wrong...

    fiat 133.jpg


    • Mi Piace 4
  7. 9 hours ago, STEVEC said:

    What has Mirafiori to do with the New Panda?

    I read the original article. My first question was what about the factory of Kragujevac (Serbia)? I believed that the next generation of "Panda" will be built there. What will be assembled there?


    Everything changes often. The future of Bursa was weird. The Turkish will be built only Stellantis vans...


    Maybe is this another change?

  8. I found a little mystery on ebay.|tkp%3ABk9SR8ab37PeYQ


    It says this item is from Giugiaro and it was made for Fiat.


    But it seems to me Volkswagen Tex concept.


    Did the seller make a mistake, or could it really be a fiat proposal?



    Here is the VW Tex concept



    P.S. VW bought Italdesign in 2010. Tex and Go! was the first concepts in the new era as far as I remember.


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  9. 13 hours ago, 3volumi3 said:

    Fiat Multipa come sarebbe dovuta essere secondo il suo designer Giolito, se non fosse dovuto scendere a compromessi, in particolare su come avrebbe voluto gestire le luci anteriori, inserendole tutte nella posizione sopraelevata, sotto il parabrezza.
    Le testimonianze vengono direttamente da lui, intervistato in occasione di questo video tributo alla Multipla (da cui ho preso le immagini).
    Probabilmente si saranno già viste su queste pagine, ma da quanto mi risulta non negli ultimi tempi:




    Non so voi, ma questa soluzione mi garba molto di più di quella deliberata, che, parole di Giolito stesso, è il suo unico rimpianto a livello di design.

    Infatti, da quello che racconta nel video, i suoi ingegneri lo avvertirono che la soluzione di posizionare tutti i fanali sul piano superiore avrebbe creato problemi di visibilità in condizioni di nebbia (cosa che non lo vedeva d'accordo al 100%, ma alla fine dovette accettare la cosa per questione di tempistiche).

    Interessante anche sentire la sua opinione sul restyling "normalizzatore" del 2005 (it was an useless operation, a loss of money) :D


    So could this rear view proposal and that front proposal be the same?




    • Mi Piace 5
  10. 18 hours ago, DOssi said:

    Su wipo sono in scadenza molti file di patent di Fiat...tra cui questa che poi era il prototipo Gritta della IDEA del 1994 , che esistono pochissime foto in rete.

    E' la prima volta che vedo il posteriore e parte degli interni dove ,credo almeno da quello che si vede in foto, la console praticamente era uno stereo Cd portatile con maniglione superiore.














    What was the connection among I.DE.A Modulaire and Gritta? Both of them were born in 1994 and were penned by I.DE.A.

    Gritta reminds me of a little bit Tata Nano



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