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  1. *Autointernationaal Passabile comaticamente parlando il TechLine
  2. La Kia Sephia accanto sembra bellissima in confronto.
  3. Era bello anche il Concept presentato allo scorso Salone di Pechino... Questo di sicuro e' piu' bello dello scorso Spider OSM presentato a Londra qlk mese fa'
  4. Riciclo questo doppione con VOLVO S80 L Foto Ufficiali
  5. * Ha perso l'effetto novita' della prima serie.... continua a piacermi.
  6. Versione Cinese vagamente Cross Country. (Auto Sohu adirittura la da' come Tiguan 3 Volumi)
  7. Le piu' probabili erano MITO/Megane e Fiesta. Sono contento x la vittoria non scontata della Insignia. Evidentemente hanno prevalso i contenuti tecnologici nuovi x questo segmento.

    Toyota Camry (Disegni)

    Mag.X Next generation 2011 Toyota Camry code-name 050A
  9. Video: Una delle piu' brutte D del mercato.
  10. Those of you who have been here since the early days would recognise a very strong similarity between these images and the Saab 9-6x that was being proposed back around 2005. These were the days of the 9-2x, when General Motors still owned part of Fuji Heavy Industries. The proposal was for a second Saab-Subaru collaboration, one that would provide Saab with a midsize SUV largely based on the Subaru B9 Tribeca. The vehicle in the patent is a five-door vehicle and the one in the spyshots is a three door vehicle but the similarities are obvious and undeniable. It’s an interesting development and one can’t help but be curious about why they’re lodging a design patent in 2008 on a vehicle that was canned back in 2005/2006. The other interesting angle is to pause and reflect on a vehicle that was widely regarded with a tinge of caution (to say the least) a few years ago. As you know, the 9-2x was critically panned because it was way too much Subaru and too little Saab. Enthusiasts viewed these photos with a certain amount of cautious optimism, fearing that the 9-6x would be more of the same - too much Tribeca and not enough Saab. The sale of GM’s interest in FHI took care of everyone’s concerns as the plans were cancelled. We’ve still got the 9-7x as we wait for the 9-4x to come to market. Again - why register the design now, in November 2008? *trollhattansaab
  11. Sembrava che il Suvvone derivato dal Tribeca fosse stato cassato.... Ed invece sbuca una registrazione prodotto datato 4 Novembre:;jsessionid=9A5FA25898DE87B696AABED4CD4C4209.espacenet_levelx_prod-sna_0?locale=en_EP&IN=%5BSE%5D&PA=GM+GLOBAL+TECHNOLOGY+OPERATIONS&ST=advanced&compact=false&DB=EPODOC Che sia tutto un mega fake? Anche xche' a ragion di logica...Saab ritarda il lancio della 9.4X per mancanza di fondi ... ..x quale motivo dovrebbe presentare un suv poco piu' grande e pure brutarello visto la sua derivazione dal Tribeca.
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