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Tutti i contenuti di JOKEJOE

  1. Cruscotto piu' movimentato del previsto...
  2. Meglio della soluzione avrei preferito un po' di stile in questi fari interni.
  3. Niente di che'... Speriamo solo che prendano spunti dal frontale per uscire dai frontali a tutta bocca.
  4. "Z.E. CONCEPT: AN ALL-ELECTRIC CONCEPT CAR WHICH PROVIDES A GLIMPSE OF MOBILITY IN THE FUTURE In parallel to its new TCe and dCi engine ranges, Renault is furthering its strategy aimed at curbing CO2 emissions with the development of electric vehicles. Since the beginning of 2008, the Renault-Nissan Alliance has signed agreements with several states and regions (Israel, Denmark, Portugal, Japan's Kanagawa prefecture, the state of Tennessee in the USA), which will lead to the mass marketing of this form of vehicle from 2011. Z.E. Concept ('Z.E.': Zero Emission) is Renault's vision of the electric vehicle as an efficient, user-friendly zero-emission car. Based on the brand new Renault Kangoo be bop, Z.E. Concept features a design which has been adapted to match the spirit of an electric vehicle, with the focus on minimizing energy consumption while at the same time providing core comfort features. The energy consumption of auxiliary functions such as lighting, heating, climate control, etc. is a key factor when it comes to an electric vehicle's range, so special attention has been paid to reduce the amount of energy required to run such equipment on Z.E. Concept. The concept car also incorporates several interactive information features which are easy to use. Z.E. Concept is powered by a 70kW electric motor with torque of 226Nm and lithium-ion batteries."
  5. Heuliez Friendly : une puce électrique au Mondial Le constructeur a ainsi conçu un petit véhicule destiné à des déplacements exclusivement urbains, au gabarit mini puisque dans sa version la plus grande, sa longueur n'excède pas les 2,90 m. Afin de correspondre aux critères écologiques dictés par le cahier des charges, la Friendly est propulsée par un moteur électrique alimenté par des batteries NiMh, dont les puissances et les capacités varient suivant les versions. Les performances autorisent tout de même une vitesse de pointe de 110 km, alors que l'autonomie peut atteindre les 250 km. Ecologique et pratique, la version définitive de la Friendly sera commercialisée à partir de 2010, d'abord aux collectivités et aux sociétés de locations, puis plus tard au public. En année pleine, 10 000 Friendly par an pourront sortir des chaines d'assemblage de l'usine de Cerizay. Comptant jouer les premiers rôles sur le marché des voitures électriques, Heuliez présentera en grandes pompes son prototype Friendly au Mondial de l'Automobile.
  6. Il frontale sembra un chop della serie 7... Originalita' ZERO. Il laterale e' terribilmente RENAULT...una confusione di linee. Il posteriore scontato a dir poco. Di sicuro questo e' il Concept BMW piu' vicino alla produzione di tutti i tempi. In passato (Vedi Concept X3 e Serie 1) erano piu' sperimentali.
  7. Il cassetto scorrevole sta diventando sempre piu' comune.. L'auto rimane deplorevole.
  8. Lunotto e fiancate assimetriche c'erano gia' sul modello precedente. Sono stati furbi a riproporlo.
  9. Molto carina... Forse il frontale ha perso la pulizia del modello e' rimasto cmq originale. Molto piu' riuscito il posteriore. Non si vede ben la foto degli interni...quindi forse si perde qlk bel dettaglio.
  10. Foto ufficiali Giovedì prossimo.
  11. Ma non sembra un po' piccolo quel passo?
  12. Guangzhou Automobile will be developing a new large sedan using the platform of the Alfa Romeo 166, fully licensed and paid for of course. The 166 has just been discontinued in spring last year, and rumours are that its replacement could return to a rear wheel drive format. The 166 was a front engined front wheel drive car with double wishbones at the front and a multi-link setup at the rear. The Guangzhou Automobile car to be based on its platform will be styled by Bertone. *
  13. Update: Non sono foto. Sono frames di un video sul sito GT. Qua' il video: ?GT by ?????????????? - ??????????????
  14. Cambio di teaser: finisce il telone vedo e non vedo...e divulgano delle belle foto buie. Cmq sembra piu' interessante del previsto.

    Toyota Prius III (Spy)

    Batman camouflage... Si intravede un pick up cammuffato nello specchio retrovisore...Chissa che roba sara'..!?!

    Toyota Prius III (Spy)

    Carinissima la ferritoia che cela le bocchette aria.
  17. Credo che sia la XL... More info:
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