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  1. The 48-volt systems were previously known as mild or P0 hybrids. They involve relatively unobtrusive electrification of the powertrain. Fuel consumption is reduced mainly with the support of the combustion engine (boosting) during acceleration and the recovery of excess kinetic energy (recuperation) when the vehicle decelerates. However, purely electric driving is not possible with such systems, which Continental already manufactures for a number of automotive manufacturers. In the latest stage of development, the 48-volt system was repositioned in the powertrain. The electric motor was no longer placed in front of the combustion engine on the crankshaft, but behind it—between the combustion engine and transmission (P2 hybrid). This meant that fuel savings were able to increase and, in certain situations, such as driving through a 30 km/h speed limit zone, the vehicle could be driven using the electric motor alone. With the new 48-volt high-power technology, this hybrid system enables the same functionality as previous, full-hybrid vehicles. The key component here is a new, water-cooled electric motor, the peak output of which was doubled to 30 kW in comparison with that used previously. Electric-only driving is therefore possible up to a speed range of 80 to 90 km/h. 8-volt high-power electric motor with a peak output of 30 kW. The developers were able to achieve a 100% increase in power while maintaining the diameter of the motor. Overall, 48-volt high-power technology requires only slightly more installation space than the previous system. The difference in weight is also minimal. However, the electric motor is not the only new component of the 48-volt high-power technology. The integrated power electronics also uses a new technology that now enables it to handle significantly higher currents. The innovations of the new 48-volt high-power technology result in a level of electrical efficiency that surpasses the previous system by almost 10%. During recuperation, the new technology is much more effective than was previously the case because the losses incurred in the electric drive system has been halved. A 48-volt system requires considerably less effort in terms of insulation protection, electrical components are smaller and cheaper, and even the design can be made significantly more compact, because smaller gaps are required between the individual components than is the case with high-voltage technology. Continental is showcasing the new 48-volt high-power technology, which is also ready for series development, in a Ford Focus test vehicle. With an eye on the new approval regulations that have been in force since 1 Septembe 2018, in accordance with the WLTP cycle, the 48-volt high-power technology could be developed even further. If, for example, the system was supplemented by on-board charging technology and a larger battery, this would make even a plug-in hybrid drive featuring 48-volt technology possible. This is because the ability to drive in all-electric mode is no longer the main criterion for benefiting from the support for plug-in vehicles. Instead, it is the conversion of electrically stored energy into traction in general. The deciding factor for different funding initiatives is whether CO2 emissions can be reduced to below 50 g per kilometer. Via GreenCarCongress
  2. With output of up to 150 kW and a maximum torque of up to 310 N·m, the new electric axle drive is roughly equivalent to a conventional two-liter turbo-diesel engine. The electric motor and power electronics of the new system are liquid-cooled. Due to its size, performance data and characteristics, the axle drive from Continental is suitable for numerous vehicle classes and concepts. Specifically, the drive module will take to the road in a small European car and several compact SUVs from Asian manufacturers later this year. In addition to these new electric vehicles from traditional OEMs, the new Continental technology is setting the Sion electric vehicle from German start-up Sono Motors in motion. The Sion is the first series-produced electric vehicle to have solar cells integrated into its body. The car thereby produces electric energy self-sufficiently, extending its range. Production of the car, the electronics architecture of which is prepared for innovative sharing concepts, will begin in the coming year. The partnership between Continental and Sono Motors is oriented toward the long term, covering the Sion’s entire life cycle. Series production of the new axle drive used worldwide will begin at the Continental plant in Tianjin, China, in the third quarter of 2019. The reason for hosting production in China is that it means proximity to what is currently the largest and fastest-growing market for electric vehicles, coupled with the strong supplier chain that Continental has established in China. Via GreenCarCongress
  3. Beckervdo

    Mitsubishi ASX Facelift 2019

    Arrivata a listino la ASX: sposto in Mitsubishi
  4. Entra a listino la BMW X1 LCI. Sposto in BMW
  5. Ah quindi questa è un mulotipo su base X1, ma non sarà sull'attuale. Ok, grazie!
  6. No ma la cosa bella è M135i vs BMW 120/125i...cioè non è neanche la MSport...altrimenti erano caxxi acidi
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