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Tutti i contenuti di pt020

  1. I think that the time for supercars is over .... (not in racing), Electric supercars will be too heavy and will never match a lighter car. This days you already have elecrtic cars that accelerate 0-100 in les than 3 seconds, but only in a straight line.
  2. They did not find the right copy.. Awful.
  3. Until the car will be ready I will need a Rolator.
  4. This car is already old before it came to the shops, needs a facelift.
  5. They have forgot the back side.. even worse than the front.
  6. My mistake , it looked not as big and I was without my glasses.
  7. Is this the New or the old? Saw few of them at the Airport in Amsterdam with CZ number.
  8. No style, not outside and for sure not inside... lots of plastic with 2 tablets from 2012.
  9. This grill can cool the earth.
  10. If it is true or not I don't know .. but it is a very logical engine for that car, it has enough power and it can be more affordable. Maybe this is the model the Giulia needs. Google Translate Se è vero o no, non lo so, ma è un motore molto logico per quella macchina, ha abbastanza potenza e può essere più conveniente. Forse questo è il modello di cui Giulia ha bisogno.
  11. I like the front lights.
  12. Tail lights like on my bicycle
  13. The design itself is not bad only the proportions are really wrong, this huge front nose looks like it has a washing machine there too. The dashboard looks like 2 Nexus 7 (2012) put together .. electroniks age fast and in few years it will look ridiculous, The ventilation is 17 or 18 inch And the 2x fake exhaust does not fit the price or image.
  15. The grill is too small.. They should make one around the car.
  16. The front wheel drive architecture and the huge grill makes the car very ugly and heavy matter how good it is. Google translate L'architettura dell'azionamento a ruota anteriore e la grande griglia rendono la macchina molto brutta, non importa quanto sia buona.
  17. This is the old Gas Factory in Amsterdam ... These days it is a place to have fun.,4.8748492,3a,75y,58.88h,91.47t/data=!3m7!1e1!3m5!1sOtclKoueZBYV6j1cE428Xg!2e0!!7i13312!8i6656?hl=en
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