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Tutti i contenuti di loric

  1. Questa volta mi tocca comprare 4rotelle. Male che vada c'è lo spaccaghiaccio in regalo
  2. Eventually è un altro amico stronzo.
  3. Be', questo non è un false friend
  4. Or "started this topic". I think both are correct, but the former may also refer to the action of opening (to read) an existing forum thread. On an unrelated note, last month I had to write a memo to a guy that works for a large German company with a branch based in italy. The purpose of that memo was to explain, in simple terms, how layoffs work in Italy after the Fornero's Act of last August. Two days later I had to repeat the same concepts to that guy over the phone. That was the proverbial PITA. My English is rusty
  5. Ecco cosa succede quando la gente impara l'inglese guardando i pornazzi
  6. That's why you should always cover your stick before you spank her. Cazz, stiamo scadendo
  • Crea Nuovo...


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